

It's pretty rare that a girl who liked you enough to isolate herself with you will not have sex.

Still, sometimes a woman will put up some final resistance at the last moment when she realizes that if she doesn't stop herself immediately, sex will be inevitable.

Most of the time, if the girl is putting up token verbal resistance like "This is moving too fast," simply ignoring her and carrying forward or simply talking sexy with her in agreement will put to rest her objections. Her voice may say one thing, but her body says another and she proceeds to have sex with you.

Other times, you have to take a step back before you can take a step forward, giving her another round of foreplay before getting into her pants. If a girl gets horny enough, she will override all that programming telling her to stop.

Still, sometimes these basic tactics don't work to get a girl comfortable enough to have sex with you. In that case, you need to bring out the big guns.


One way of getting a woman horny enough to want sex is to VARY your foreplay until you hit upon what she likes most and what really turns her on.

Straight up tongue-to-tongue smooching and stroking a woman's breasts might not get your particular woman horny enough. Different women like different strokes.

Some women get most turned on when you dry rub their vagina through their jeans. Other women love having the inside of their thighs stroked.

Other women have particular hot spots that when touched and kissed really drive them crazy... their neck, collar bone, small of their back, or even their wrists and inside of their forearms.

Some women go wild from dry humping. Others like soft bites.

Other women get turned on by dirty talk.

Other women have a fantasy to be dominated, taken, and sexually ravished, surrendering themselves to a man's power.

If she's resisting, explode into a fervor of sexual passion, push her up against the wall, against the bed, tear off her clothes, and ravish her. If played right, the passion will be too overwhelming for her to want to stop. (Check out Legendary Lover and The Art of Sexy Talk for more tips)

The point is to experiment. If the dry humping isn't working, take a step back and try stroking her thighs or other parts of her body. Most likely, you'll hit her "magic spot" soon or later which will melt away her resistance.


Sometimes, despite all of your efforts to turn a woman on, when it comes down to the moment of sex, a woman still shuts herself down mentally.

Don't take it personally.

Most likely the woman has legitimate concerns that worry her, preventing her from sleeping with you - even if she otherwise wants to.

Some women are extremely worried about the word getting out to their friends or family that they had sex and being labeled a "slut".

Other women are worried about catching a disease or getting pregnant... but they don't want to ask you to wear a condom for fear of being a "slut". Or they don't even think to ask.

Or they really like you and they're afraid that after sleeping with you, you'll disappear from their lives. They fear that by sleeping with you, they'll lose their power over you and they don't want to give up that leverage.

Or the girl might be a virgin - and is simply scared of the whole unknown experience in general.

Although you can't know specifically what her particular fear is, you can preemptively address and ally her possible fears with some heart-to-heart talk.

Simply hold her in your arms and tell her that you always wear a condom when making love to a woman so that she trusts she won't catch an STD or get pregnant.

Tell her that you look forward to waking up with her tomorrow and that you don't want her to look back on the experience with any regrets - implying that you won't think of her as a slut for sleeping with you and that you won't ditch her the very next day.

Again, you're doing some "mind reading" here in the hopes of addressing her particular fears.

But guess what - it works. A little understanding and addressing a woman's fears is often enough to make her comfortable enough to continue.


If everything else fails and she's still saying no to you, you need to bring out the big guns to silence that little voice inside her head telling her to stop.

It's time to do the FREEZE OUT.

The freeze out is a tactic that women do all the time to men to get what they want from them. It's the ultimate tool women use to pussy-whip men.

The man does something the woman disapproves of. In response she emotionally withdraws. She turns her back on him. She doesn't talk to him except in terse sentences. He feels emotional abandonment and separation anxiety kicks in. She freezes him out so that he feels like crap, until he responds and begs to get back into her good graces.

Here's how to do a freeze out to a girl whose on your bed and uncooperative.

Stop everything you were doing. Stop talking and lie down on the bed. Stare at the ceiling. Lose your state. Let all of your playfulness and sexual aggressiveness wash out of you into the bed.

Get up. Avoid eye contact.

Go to the next room. Start reading a magazine. Start watching television. Go to the bathroom and take a leak.

Contrast suddenly and abruptly your sexual, playful, aggressive, fun nature to that of one that's ice cold - so that she can FEEL the difference in mood from day to night at the pit of her stomach like a cold bucket of ice water splashed in her face.

At the same time, it's important not to get mad or become argumentative - that only reveals desperation for sex which is a turn off. Just remain coldly neutral or bored.

Girls are hyper-sensitive to freeze outs, to your total and sudden emotional withdraw. Right away, she'll be thinking and FEELING, "Why is he so cold with me? What can I do to stop this?"

Don't let her affect your state. If you have to talk to her, talk in a monotone voice like you're bored and give her short answers like "okay" and "uh-huh". And don't respond physically when she touches you. Be emotionally and physically stiff.

That means no smiling, no touching, and no interest.

You might feel guilty or uncomfortable for making her feel bad. But be strong. It's a battle of wills. If you hang in there, she'll eventually break.

In fact, VERY QUICKLY she will ask you what's wrong. Let her know that she has let you down. Tell her, "I don't want to get myself all hot for nothing especially since I can't even turn you on. I would rather just watch television and enjoy my evening." Then continue freezing her out.

The last thing a woman ever wants to feel is emotionally shut out cold and that she's let down a man sexually and making him feel down about it.

When she starts kissing you and reinitiates foreplay again, start ravishing her again.

Flip fast from cold to HOT, HOT, HOT to emphasize the contrast between cold and hot states. Don't bother bringing her back to the bedroom, just ravish her right there.

Strong, positive feedback for her good behavior trains her to behave in the way you want her to. Immediately go back into a sexual state, pretend the interruption never happened, and give her some great sex.

Facing resistance in getting a girl's pants off... most men wish they could have such problems!

So now that you know how to wipe out a woman's final resistance to sex, you just need to learn how to get quality women into your bed in the first place.

Make today the day you change your life forever. Take that first step that will put you on the course to having women in your bed. Take that first step where you have women giving you final resistance... and experience the satisfaction of overcoming it.