Okay, you’re sitting with girl on your bed.
She's making out with your tongue, playing field hockey with your tonsils.
You kiss her neck while you pass your palm over her breasts through her shirt and with the other hand stroke her thigh.
You slip one of your hands down her jeans and start massaging her lips with your fingers.
Then she speaks those pesky words you prayed you wouldn’t hear.
“No… stop… we shouldn’t be doing this…” she says.
You feel that disappointing feeling of frustration. So close, and yet what do you do?
Most guys unfortunately either 1) stop moving forward, 2) start begging for sex, or 3) start arguing with the girl as to why she should continue.
With all three strategies however, you’re playing with matches on a wooden boat.
Most likely they’ll backfire and the ship will sink.
If you stop moving forward with the hopes that you’ll show her that you’re sensitive to her feelings and a swell guy, she may just come to the conclusion that you’re another “nice guy” who folded at the very first sign of resistance – not very sexy.
In any case, if you stop she’ll most likely pop out of state and you’ll have a lot of backtracking to do.
If you start begging like, “Please… girl… just let me take this bra off… come on baby… please baby…” you’ll come across as needy and desperate to get into her pants. Begging also engages the woman’s neocortex which is responsible for reasoning and critical judgment – and frames sexual escalation into a yes/no choice for the woman.
In other words, you’re placing all the power of sexual escalation into the woman’s hands – specifically into the hands of her critical mind that’s responsible for acceptance or rejection – which is exactly where you DON’T want the power to be.
For example, imagine you’re at a car dealership and you’re on the fence about buying this new car. You’ve just met the salesman that afternoon – so naturally you don’t know if he’s completely trustworthy, even though he may seem to be.
You hesitate whether you should buy the car or not and suddenly the salesman starts pleading with you to buy the car. He begs of you, “Come on… please buy this car… do it for me… I really need this commission…”
You’re not going to instantly feel sorry for him and buy the car. In fact, his neediness will probably turn you off. You may even begin to start to think of every reason NOT to buy the car.
Arguing with a woman using rational reasoning too is simply a form of sophisticated begging. For example, you might argue with a woman, “Yes… but we’ve already known each other for two weeks… what’s the big deal? Sex is natural.”
You MAY convince her to move forward, but it’s much more likely she’ll simply react with counter reasons to your reasons. Again, you’re engaging her neocortex, the critical, judging part of the woman’s brain that looks for reasons to stop. You’re only feeding her resistance fuel to throw back at you.
Now, if you have a girl isolated, sitting on your bed, and kissing you – there's a 99% chance she *IS* willing to sleep with you.
However, a lot of women have intense emotional feelings when it comes to having sex with a new guy for the first time.
When it comes down to the moment when she realizes that sex is inevitable – or at least once she realizes she’s become so turned on that if she doesn’t stop things NOW, she'll lose control over herself and surrender to her urges – she’ll attempt to put up a final resistance.
“No… this is happening so fast… please…” she'll say.
Her body and limbic brain responsible for lust and sex (also referred to as the unconscious mind) is telling her to GO, but her neocortex (the conscious mind), full of societal programming, is telling her to hold out.
Christina Aguilera sums it up nicely in the song Genie in a Bottle - “My body’s saying let’s go… but my heart is saying no.”
However, the primal, older limbic brain will always win out over the thinking, rational, newer neocortex.
Her limbic brain telling her to have sex has the force of a tsunami wave while the neocortex telling her to stop has the force of a whisper.
So don’t let a woman’s final resistance to sex phase you. Most of the time it can be overcome with some simply strategies I’m about to show you.
Instead of stopping, begging, or arguing with a woman, follow these simple guidelines below.
Many times a woman will verbally say one thing, but with her body say something completely different. She may say, “No please…” verbally but give you no physical resistance whatsoever. In fact, I had a girl telling me, “We shouldn’t be doing this,” WHILE she was unfastening her bra!
So in many cases you can just IGNORE her token resistance and keep going. She crumbles in now time flat.
If she keeps saying, “We shouldn’t really be doing this…” and you sense the situation calls for you to say something, simply start talking SEXY-DIRTY to her.
Her: “Oh god… we shouldn’t be doing this…”
You: “You’re right… we shouldn’t do this… it’s so bad…”
And keep going.
You may have heard the advice “agree with what she’s saying” before. Indeed, agreeing with her disengages her logical, rational mind which is the source of all mental resistance. After all, how can she argue with someone who’s agreeing with her?
But it’s more than that.
Think of it as SEXY-DIRTY talk to get her WET and speak it like that – with a husky, sex voice.
If she continues to put up a more adamant resistance, especially if she uses physical resistance such as pulling your hand away, she is willing to sleep with you but you’re moving TOO FAST for her.
Men need very little sexual stimulation to be ready for sex. But women require more time, and it varies from girl to girl.
Some girls only need ten minutes of tongue to tongue make-out before they’ll feel comfortable enough for sex. Other girls need to have their bodies touched and kissed all over for an hour before they’ll feel comfortable enough.
So her resistance is not a plea for you to stop entirely, but really a message for you to SLOW DOWN.
What she says: “This is moving so fast…”
She really means: “I like the feelings you’re giving me… I want to do this… but I need more kissing and cuddling first before I’m ready. Slow down a little and we’ll both get what we want.”
In this case, you need to adopt the strategy of two steps forward, one step back.
If you’ve been kissing her mouth, neck, and brushing over her nipples with your palms, and she begins to give you heavy resistance when you touch her pussy, simply BACK OFF from that area. Continue kissing her and touching her breasts for another ten minutes. Give her more foreplay time. This is the step back.
Then, once she’s even hornier than before and more comfortable with your touch, step forward again. Touch her pussy. Most likely, she’ll put up less resistance this time or none at all.
Back and forward, back and forward. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Of course there are those girls whose neocortex gives more than a whisper of resistance – they have so much negative mental programming about sex (or they’re so used to having men beg and plead for it) that all the usual techniques fall flat and more extreme measures are needed.
I’ll explain how to deal with the hard cases next time.
In the meantime, in case you missed the notice from last time, I've released Masculinity Enhancement Series - to hypnotically install the critical traits of sexuality, flow, playfulness, connection, and more so that you can tease girls, be flirtatious, make women laugh, project sexualty, and just have fun and keep your cool no matter what's thrown at you. After all, seduction must above all else by FUN.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
Our education system, study skills, and ideological training reflect that we live in a capitalist society.
School largely teaches us to be obedient, have discipline, follow authority figures, and how to read, write, memorization skills, and math.
You’re not supposed to speak to your friends in class; if someone is speaking, you’re being spoken to by your teacher.
Instead of working socially in groups, you spend most of your time solitary behind a desk.
In other words, school teaches us the skills to be profitable, obedient workers for management.
Meanwhile, we never learn social skills and social intelligence in school – unless by accident. You’re never taught how to communicate with your peers, let alone with women. There are no classes in how to deal with relationships or romance.
Consequently, most of us come out of school totally dazed and bewildered as to how to communicate with and attract women.
It’s no wonder that we find our social intelligence and ability to seduce attractive women woefully lacking.
The Great Irony of it All
TENS of thousands of dollars were spent by taxpayers to send YOU to primary school and high school. And perhaps your parents or yourself spent tens of thousands MORE for you to go on to college. Why?
So that you could get a good job and make money.
But from an evolutionary perspective, the whole reason to get a good job and make money is to attract and mate with the healthiest females you can, so that you can successfully pass on your genes.
Here’s the great irony of it all -
Although ENORMOUS amounts of resources were spent to educate you to be economically successful in this world, you’re not taught the social skills to translate that economic success into genetic success.
So although you may be able to sit down at a desk and complete a task, you may have no idea what to talk about with women.
Although you may be able to handle the company’s customers, you have no idea how to handle a woman.
All the money, material, and career success in the world is genetically worthless if you don’t have the skills to speak with women and get laid!
In fact, it’s all worth absolute shit!
After all, wasn’t getting laid with a desirable girl the whole point of doing well in school and making money in the first place?
Okay, given the situation you were born into, what do you do?
Think of yourself as Neo - we’re about to bust through the Matrix.
Here’s the key.
Whether you were born into the ghetto and went to a school where they couldn’t afford pencils or whether you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and went on to receive a Harvard business degree in management…
We all received the same, crap-ass education in social intelligence and women!!!
That means when it comes to having social intelligence and seducing women, it’s a LEVEL playing field.
A broke, average-looking guy who received a high school diploma, works at Taco Bell, and drives an ’88 Ford Escort can achieve the same genetic success as the rich, good looking guy who runs a company and has had hundreds of thousands of dollars funneled into his education.
While the guy who was bred for success has his trophy wife – you can be her lover behind his back!
AND have a super hottie of your own.
That’s why it’s so important to CONTINUE your education and get the education you should have gotten in the first place – the education that will truly give you genetic success over any Harvard business degree would.
Consider Seduction Science a continuation of the life’s course for ultimate success that goes beyond money and power – having beautiful women. (keep reading for part two of this newsletter - "Avoiding Studyitis")
Without it, you MAY be able to scrape by in the capitalist system we live in – you MAY even be able to achieve some measure of wealth if you have a little luck on your side and work hard.
But without it you won’t be able to get the love and sex from beautiful women you truly want… the kind of beautiful women that make this whole life worth living in the first place!
After all, what good is all the money and all those hours spent working if in the end they don’t pay off in spreading your genes with the most desirable women?
What’s messed up is that guys who don’t see this, guys stuck within the ruling belief system fed to them through school and through advertising – will keep working themselves to death to buy that new car, get that better job, buy women who don’t sleep with them expensive gifts – and live in a sexual desert, working like slaves... for nothing! …or at best for finding a girl they merely settle for.
YOU however have the tools to blow out of that reality and run roughshod over the competition!
Avoiding the School-Taught Trap of “Studyitis”
Our educational training lets us down in another way.
It’s called “studyitis” and it has its roots in the capitalist system’s need for a particular type of worker and the education system’s attempt to meet that need.
Capitalists want workers who can sit down and complete a task. They want workers who can identify a problem and come up with solutions. For others, capitalists want workers who can stand at the assembly line or behind the cash register, follow directions, show obedience, and repeat the same tasks over and over. None of these tasks involve much human to human interaction or social skills.
So our education system is heavily geared toward solitary “book” study.
You’re continually rewarded for solitary book study – you do your solitary book homework and you get positive feedback – the coveted “A” grade. You do your job’s solitary tasks well and you get more positive feedback – perhaps you eventually get a raise.
This positive feedback loop for solitary, mental, book study is instilled in you since you were six.
And for getting by and making money - it works.
However, when it comes to learning social skills, social intelligence, and seduction, this same method of solitary book study will not get you success with beautiful by itself.
You can’t become a ladies man by reading books and studying alone.
You need to spend a minimum of 30% to 70% of your time out in the field, approaching women and getting real world experience.
However, a lot of guys picked up a disease from school called “studyitis”. They spend all of their time indoors reading, memorizing, and analyzing.
They feel like they have to be 100% “prepared” before ever approaching a woman.
This techniques works well when taking a test or giving a company presentation.
But it doesn’t work for approaching and interacting with women.
Becoming good at seduction requires real world PRACTICE in interacting with women. You actually need to go out there and use this stuff. You need to get real field experience.
It’s the only way to *fully* rewire your brain. Sitting at a desk all day studying every permutation and possibility of what could happen just won’t do it.
So how do you become a world class lady’s man?
Sure, you DO need to spend SOME time doing independent study to get the methods, theories and ideas in your head – so that you’re not flying blind.
But you ALSO have to compliment that study with lots of practice in the field. You have to go through the physical and emotional motions for the theories to really cement in your mind and become living, breathing knowledge that you understand on an intuitive level, not just a theoretical one.
In conjunction with book study and field experience, you can also do visual rehearsals and hypnosis.
Through visual rehearsals you re-enact the real, positive experiences you’ve already had and relive them again and again in your mind. It’s like you’re hallucinating the positive experience again and again to solidify it. You can even imagine the events in different permutations to try out new techniques in your mind – kind of like a hallucinatory “choose-your-own-adventure” book.
Also, hypnosis can further solidify what you learn from study, real field experience, and visualization rehearsals – by reprogramming your mind below the conscious surface.
Remember, everyone’s on a generally level playing field with their social and seduction skills – at the bottom. Pull ahead of the rest of the pack, break out of the Matrix, and get the most beautiful women that you really want. Seduction Science, 2nd Edition and the Masculinity Enhacement Series are your tickets there.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
School largely teaches us to be obedient, have discipline, follow authority figures, and how to read, write, memorization skills, and math.
You’re not supposed to speak to your friends in class; if someone is speaking, you’re being spoken to by your teacher.
Instead of working socially in groups, you spend most of your time solitary behind a desk.
In other words, school teaches us the skills to be profitable, obedient workers for management.
Meanwhile, we never learn social skills and social intelligence in school – unless by accident. You’re never taught how to communicate with your peers, let alone with women. There are no classes in how to deal with relationships or romance.
Consequently, most of us come out of school totally dazed and bewildered as to how to communicate with and attract women.
It’s no wonder that we find our social intelligence and ability to seduce attractive women woefully lacking.
The Great Irony of it All
TENS of thousands of dollars were spent by taxpayers to send YOU to primary school and high school. And perhaps your parents or yourself spent tens of thousands MORE for you to go on to college. Why?
So that you could get a good job and make money.
But from an evolutionary perspective, the whole reason to get a good job and make money is to attract and mate with the healthiest females you can, so that you can successfully pass on your genes.
Here’s the great irony of it all -
Although ENORMOUS amounts of resources were spent to educate you to be economically successful in this world, you’re not taught the social skills to translate that economic success into genetic success.
So although you may be able to sit down at a desk and complete a task, you may have no idea what to talk about with women.
Although you may be able to handle the company’s customers, you have no idea how to handle a woman.
All the money, material, and career success in the world is genetically worthless if you don’t have the skills to speak with women and get laid!
In fact, it’s all worth absolute shit!
After all, wasn’t getting laid with a desirable girl the whole point of doing well in school and making money in the first place?
Okay, given the situation you were born into, what do you do?
Think of yourself as Neo - we’re about to bust through the Matrix.
Here’s the key.
Whether you were born into the ghetto and went to a school where they couldn’t afford pencils or whether you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and went on to receive a Harvard business degree in management…
We all received the same, crap-ass education in social intelligence and women!!!
That means when it comes to having social intelligence and seducing women, it’s a LEVEL playing field.
A broke, average-looking guy who received a high school diploma, works at Taco Bell, and drives an ’88 Ford Escort can achieve the same genetic success as the rich, good looking guy who runs a company and has had hundreds of thousands of dollars funneled into his education.
While the guy who was bred for success has his trophy wife – you can be her lover behind his back!
AND have a super hottie of your own.
That’s why it’s so important to CONTINUE your education and get the education you should have gotten in the first place – the education that will truly give you genetic success over any Harvard business degree would.
Consider Seduction Science a continuation of the life’s course for ultimate success that goes beyond money and power – having beautiful women. (keep reading for part two of this newsletter - "Avoiding Studyitis")
Without it, you MAY be able to scrape by in the capitalist system we live in – you MAY even be able to achieve some measure of wealth if you have a little luck on your side and work hard.
But without it you won’t be able to get the love and sex from beautiful women you truly want… the kind of beautiful women that make this whole life worth living in the first place!
After all, what good is all the money and all those hours spent working if in the end they don’t pay off in spreading your genes with the most desirable women?
What’s messed up is that guys who don’t see this, guys stuck within the ruling belief system fed to them through school and through advertising – will keep working themselves to death to buy that new car, get that better job, buy women who don’t sleep with them expensive gifts – and live in a sexual desert, working like slaves... for nothing! …or at best for finding a girl they merely settle for.
YOU however have the tools to blow out of that reality and run roughshod over the competition!
Avoiding the School-Taught Trap of “Studyitis”
Our educational training lets us down in another way.
It’s called “studyitis” and it has its roots in the capitalist system’s need for a particular type of worker and the education system’s attempt to meet that need.
Capitalists want workers who can sit down and complete a task. They want workers who can identify a problem and come up with solutions. For others, capitalists want workers who can stand at the assembly line or behind the cash register, follow directions, show obedience, and repeat the same tasks over and over. None of these tasks involve much human to human interaction or social skills.
So our education system is heavily geared toward solitary “book” study.
You’re continually rewarded for solitary book study – you do your solitary book homework and you get positive feedback – the coveted “A” grade. You do your job’s solitary tasks well and you get more positive feedback – perhaps you eventually get a raise.
This positive feedback loop for solitary, mental, book study is instilled in you since you were six.
And for getting by and making money - it works.
However, when it comes to learning social skills, social intelligence, and seduction, this same method of solitary book study will not get you success with beautiful by itself.
You can’t become a ladies man by reading books and studying alone.
You need to spend a minimum of 30% to 70% of your time out in the field, approaching women and getting real world experience.
However, a lot of guys picked up a disease from school called “studyitis”. They spend all of their time indoors reading, memorizing, and analyzing.
They feel like they have to be 100% “prepared” before ever approaching a woman.
This techniques works well when taking a test or giving a company presentation.
But it doesn’t work for approaching and interacting with women.
Becoming good at seduction requires real world PRACTICE in interacting with women. You actually need to go out there and use this stuff. You need to get real field experience.
It’s the only way to *fully* rewire your brain. Sitting at a desk all day studying every permutation and possibility of what could happen just won’t do it.
So how do you become a world class lady’s man?
Sure, you DO need to spend SOME time doing independent study to get the methods, theories and ideas in your head – so that you’re not flying blind.
But you ALSO have to compliment that study with lots of practice in the field. You have to go through the physical and emotional motions for the theories to really cement in your mind and become living, breathing knowledge that you understand on an intuitive level, not just a theoretical one.
In conjunction with book study and field experience, you can also do visual rehearsals and hypnosis.
Through visual rehearsals you re-enact the real, positive experiences you’ve already had and relive them again and again in your mind. It’s like you’re hallucinating the positive experience again and again to solidify it. You can even imagine the events in different permutations to try out new techniques in your mind – kind of like a hallucinatory “choose-your-own-adventure” book.
Also, hypnosis can further solidify what you learn from study, real field experience, and visualization rehearsals – by reprogramming your mind below the conscious surface.
Remember, everyone’s on a generally level playing field with their social and seduction skills – at the bottom. Pull ahead of the rest of the pack, break out of the Matrix, and get the most beautiful women that you really want. Seduction Science, 2nd Edition and the Masculinity Enhacement Series are your tickets there.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
Before you get to the Bond and Connection phase with a girl, you first need to build social value for yourself. Without enough social value, she won’t reciprocate the connection and think you’re just another “nice guy” trying to get into her pants.
A great way to build that social value is through planned stories and routines.
Planned stories and routines free up your mind to focus on other things.
Like a computer, your brain only has so many clock cycles spare.
Imagine you’re on your way to a bar or club and you're getting yourself into a good state for approaching women.
Now, imagine that you’re driving along the highway at the same time on the way there – a bit distracting.
Now imagine your friend is in the passenger’s seat asking you about math problems.
There’s only so much that your brain can multitask at one time.
And when you’re talking to women, there’s a LOT for your brain to do.
So you don’t want to bog yourself down in the middle of an interaction with the complex task of coming up with witty conversation pieces on the fly - especially when they can be prepared for ahead of time.
First, I’ll give you a few example routines, and then I’ll show you how to use them.
My ex-girlfriend is stalking me
You: I need your opinion… I think my ex-girlfriend is stalking me. She kept trying to win me back by impressing me, but she just doesn’t have that adventurousness I look for in a girl.
You: Well, I was walking down the street and I just see her there, standing across the street looking at me. Yeah, it’s kind of weird.
You: I think she's trying too hard to impress me. She used to be kind of fat, but now she’s lost weight and has gotten breast implants… she kind of looks like that girl from the Bachelorette… have you seen it?
You: But I don’t want to get back with a girl just because she looks good. Let me ask you, which of your guys is most adventurous?
How does everyone knows each other
You: Hmm, let me see, I bet I can guess how you all know each other. Yes, I’m getting a vibe. Let me see, you two look like sisters. No? Let me guess, you must be best friends then.
Girls: Yeah we are!
You: See, wow I’ve got psychic powers. Watch this, I can tell even more about yourselves. Give me your palm (do palm reading)
Men's earrings
You: Guys, I need your opinion on something… does jewelry look good on guys. My friend wears earrings on both ears and women tell him all the time it looks really sexy.
You: What do you think, should I wear earrings… I was thinking it might look gay, but then again I noticed girls are all over guys who wear them.
Start a band
You: Hey girls, I’m going to start a band. Can either of you sing?
Girls: Yeah
You: Cool, you’ll be the back up singer
Girl: I play guitar
You: Awesome you’ll play guitar. Wait a sec… what are your names?
Girl: Tara
Girl: Buffy
You: Tara and Buffy?? Nah, what are you kidding me, those names won’t work a band. Hmm… you’ll be Beyonce and you’ll be Brittany. Awesome! (high-five them)
Girls: hahaha
You: Hold on, being in a band isn’t all fun and games though. Which one of you is going to be doing my laundry?
Girls: No way!
You: Well then, I’m firing you guys. But you can still be my groupies.
What to buy for my little sister
You: Hey girls, I have a problem.
Girls: What
You: My little sister’s birthday is coming up. What should I buy her… I was thinking of a stuffed elephant because she has a collection of them, but I think she’s too old for that now. What do you think? What did you guys play with when you were little.
Masturbate in the shower
You: Did you know that 90% of girls masturbate in the shower?
Girl: No
You: The other 10% sing
Girl : Oh yeah?
You: And do you know what they sing?
Girl : No, what?
You: Oh you must be one of the girls that masturbates then.
Girl: hahaha
As you can see, routines can be rapid-fire simple and short. However, all the above routines differ in character. The “Men's Earrings” routine gets women talking. “Start a band” brings girls into a playful roleplaying fantasy where they can step into characters. And “Masturbate in the shower” is simply a funny joke to get laughs.
State Accelerators
You can also throw state accelerators into nearly any routine to give it an extra kick. State Accelerators are universal feel-good moves that accelerate the girls’ positive state.
For example, giving a girl a high-five unversally makes women feel good and can be incorporated into most routines.
If a girl tells you, "I think earrings look sexy on a guy," just say “Awesome! See you're cool. High-five!” and hold up your palm. High-five her. This accelerates the power of the routine.
Keep Going and Keep up the Pace
Once you tell a routine, don’t wait for the girl's permission to go on to the next one. Even if the girl only half-heartingly responded to the first routine, just launch into the next one. And the next. Most likely you’ll hit on one that grabs her attention.
Sometimes, you’ll find that girls go on and on talking about their opinions - even until it gets BORING. You may suddenly find that you've lost control over the conversation.
If the girls go talking on too long, don't be afraid to just interrupt them and launch into the next routine. While keeping relaxed yourself, keep the conversational pace relatively brisk.
Transitioning and Delivery
If you’re just starting out, have three routines memorized and ready to go. Decide what order you'll stack them.
For example, you might open a group of girls with the Men's Earrings opinion routine, then ask how everyone knows each other, and then talk about your stalking ex-girlfriend. The transitioning is rather simple - just leave the old topic and launch right into the new.
You: Guys, I need your opinion on something… do earrings look good on guys…
Girls: blah, blah, blah
You: Really? Awesome. Hey, you know you guys look like sisters…
Girls: blah, blah, blah
You: Wow, I thought you were sisters for sure. Actually, I’ve got this problem… I think my ex-girlfriend is stalking me…
Having three routines ready to go frees up your brain to focus on your delivery and nonverbal sexual cues.
That means telling the routines with a smile on your face and with some relaxed enthusiasm. (Check out Nonverbal Sexual Cuing for some more tips on how to hold yourself.)
Now most of the guys who I know who date beautiful women aren’t rich, famous, or extremely good looking.
They’re just normal guys who happen to have the inside knowledge of these seduction methods – and all the dozens and dozens of techniques found in The Seduction Science System, 2nd Edition.
Combine them together you can become an unstoppable, one man seduction machine. And I guarantee that you’ll look at the world and women around you VERY differently – a world not in which you have to rely on “luck”, but a world in which YOU hold the power and control.
So learn three routines and go out this week and get into some conversations with women. After that, use Seduction Science to analyze what and where you could improve.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
A great way to build that social value is through planned stories and routines.
Planned stories and routines free up your mind to focus on other things.
Like a computer, your brain only has so many clock cycles spare.
Imagine you’re on your way to a bar or club and you're getting yourself into a good state for approaching women.
Now, imagine that you’re driving along the highway at the same time on the way there – a bit distracting.
Now imagine your friend is in the passenger’s seat asking you about math problems.
There’s only so much that your brain can multitask at one time.
And when you’re talking to women, there’s a LOT for your brain to do.
So you don’t want to bog yourself down in the middle of an interaction with the complex task of coming up with witty conversation pieces on the fly - especially when they can be prepared for ahead of time.
First, I’ll give you a few example routines, and then I’ll show you how to use them.
My ex-girlfriend is stalking me
You: I need your opinion… I think my ex-girlfriend is stalking me. She kept trying to win me back by impressing me, but she just doesn’t have that adventurousness I look for in a girl.
You: Well, I was walking down the street and I just see her there, standing across the street looking at me. Yeah, it’s kind of weird.
You: I think she's trying too hard to impress me. She used to be kind of fat, but now she’s lost weight and has gotten breast implants… she kind of looks like that girl from the Bachelorette… have you seen it?
You: But I don’t want to get back with a girl just because she looks good. Let me ask you, which of your guys is most adventurous?
How does everyone knows each other
You: Hmm, let me see, I bet I can guess how you all know each other. Yes, I’m getting a vibe. Let me see, you two look like sisters. No? Let me guess, you must be best friends then.
Girls: Yeah we are!
You: See, wow I’ve got psychic powers. Watch this, I can tell even more about yourselves. Give me your palm (do palm reading)
Men's earrings
You: Guys, I need your opinion on something… does jewelry look good on guys. My friend wears earrings on both ears and women tell him all the time it looks really sexy.
You: What do you think, should I wear earrings… I was thinking it might look gay, but then again I noticed girls are all over guys who wear them.
Start a band
You: Hey girls, I’m going to start a band. Can either of you sing?
Girls: Yeah
You: Cool, you’ll be the back up singer
Girl: I play guitar
You: Awesome you’ll play guitar. Wait a sec… what are your names?
Girl: Tara
Girl: Buffy
You: Tara and Buffy?? Nah, what are you kidding me, those names won’t work a band. Hmm… you’ll be Beyonce and you’ll be Brittany. Awesome! (high-five them)
Girls: hahaha
You: Hold on, being in a band isn’t all fun and games though. Which one of you is going to be doing my laundry?
Girls: No way!
You: Well then, I’m firing you guys. But you can still be my groupies.
What to buy for my little sister
You: Hey girls, I have a problem.
Girls: What
You: My little sister’s birthday is coming up. What should I buy her… I was thinking of a stuffed elephant because she has a collection of them, but I think she’s too old for that now. What do you think? What did you guys play with when you were little.
Masturbate in the shower
You: Did you know that 90% of girls masturbate in the shower?
Girl: No
You: The other 10% sing
Girl : Oh yeah?
You: And do you know what they sing?
Girl : No, what?
You: Oh you must be one of the girls that masturbates then.
Girl: hahaha
As you can see, routines can be rapid-fire simple and short. However, all the above routines differ in character. The “Men's Earrings” routine gets women talking. “Start a band” brings girls into a playful roleplaying fantasy where they can step into characters. And “Masturbate in the shower” is simply a funny joke to get laughs.
State Accelerators
You can also throw state accelerators into nearly any routine to give it an extra kick. State Accelerators are universal feel-good moves that accelerate the girls’ positive state.
For example, giving a girl a high-five unversally makes women feel good and can be incorporated into most routines.
If a girl tells you, "I think earrings look sexy on a guy," just say “Awesome! See you're cool. High-five!” and hold up your palm. High-five her. This accelerates the power of the routine.
Keep Going and Keep up the Pace
Once you tell a routine, don’t wait for the girl's permission to go on to the next one. Even if the girl only half-heartingly responded to the first routine, just launch into the next one. And the next. Most likely you’ll hit on one that grabs her attention.
Sometimes, you’ll find that girls go on and on talking about their opinions - even until it gets BORING. You may suddenly find that you've lost control over the conversation.
If the girls go talking on too long, don't be afraid to just interrupt them and launch into the next routine. While keeping relaxed yourself, keep the conversational pace relatively brisk.
Transitioning and Delivery
If you’re just starting out, have three routines memorized and ready to go. Decide what order you'll stack them.
For example, you might open a group of girls with the Men's Earrings opinion routine, then ask how everyone knows each other, and then talk about your stalking ex-girlfriend. The transitioning is rather simple - just leave the old topic and launch right into the new.
You: Guys, I need your opinion on something… do earrings look good on guys…
Girls: blah, blah, blah
You: Really? Awesome. Hey, you know you guys look like sisters…
Girls: blah, blah, blah
You: Wow, I thought you were sisters for sure. Actually, I’ve got this problem… I think my ex-girlfriend is stalking me…
Having three routines ready to go frees up your brain to focus on your delivery and nonverbal sexual cues.
That means telling the routines with a smile on your face and with some relaxed enthusiasm. (Check out Nonverbal Sexual Cuing for some more tips on how to hold yourself.)
Now most of the guys who I know who date beautiful women aren’t rich, famous, or extremely good looking.
They’re just normal guys who happen to have the inside knowledge of these seduction methods – and all the dozens and dozens of techniques found in The Seduction Science System, 2nd Edition.
Combine them together you can become an unstoppable, one man seduction machine. And I guarantee that you’ll look at the world and women around you VERY differently – a world not in which you have to rely on “luck”, but a world in which YOU hold the power and control.
So learn three routines and go out this week and get into some conversations with women. After that, use Seduction Science to analyze what and where you could improve.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
Virtually all women want to feel an intimate sense of bond and connection with their man in a relationship.
So a lot of guys naturally attempt to establish that sense of bond and connection with a girl right away.
They approach a girl at a bookstore or club and attempt to establish deep rapport right away by eliciting her values or doing an incredible connection routine.
Unfortunately, they walk away brushed off by the girl and scratching their heads as to what they did wrong.
What went wrong is that they tried to establish an intimate bond and connection TOO SOON.
Yes, getting deep rapport with a girl is necessary - eventually.
But NOT at the first moment you meet her.
If you try for bond, connection, and deep rapport at the first moment you meet a girl, it will blow up in your face.
Because you don’t have enough Social Value to the girl yet.
It’s not that women don’t like that building that sense of bond and connection with a man. They LIKE it. They WANT it.
They just want to do it with a man with equal or higher social value than themselves.
If you jump directly into Bond and Connection (B&C) routines and material right away without establishing any social value first, you’ll just come across as another “nice guy”.
First, you have to build your social value to the girl. As I’ve discussed in detail before, there are many ways of doing this:
1. Social proof - she sees you talking with other hot girls
2. Nonverbal Sexual Cues - good voice, strong body language, eye contact, etc.
3. Ignoring social pressure - you walk right up to her, ignore everybody else extremely confident and brash
4. Your visual style - how you're dressed, groomed, etc
5. Demonstrating value obliquely - winning over her friends, telling cool stories, palm reading, etc
6. Disqualifying yourself - ignoring her in front of her friends
7. Screening her - make her earn your acceptance
Once you’re in her group of friends, have built social value for yourself, and screened her and accepted her, she’ll begin giving you signs of interest – touching you, smiling at you, turning her body to face you, attempt to initiate conversation with you, and so on.
This is the point – once you know she likes you – that you want to establish that deep, intimate, bond and connection with her.
Once she’s giving you signs of interest, you'll want to get her AWAY from her friends.
While you needed to engage her entire group of friends to establish your social value, once you have it, her friends will actually HINDER the coming Bond and Connection phase of the seduction.
To establish that deep rapport of bond and connection, you'll need to get the girl ALONE and talk with her one-on-one.
Separating her from her friends is rather easy to accomplish.
First tell the Object of Your Desire (OYD), “Hey, I have the coolest thing I’ve just got to show you this…”
This is a curiosity hook. She’ll ask you, “What is it?”
Tell her that you can’t show her here… it’s too loud or that you need to show her in private.
Now she’ll go with you, if you simply lead her. But you can’t take her just yet.
You still have to neutralize any potential objections from her peer group that you’ll be stealing her away from them.
Tell her group of friends, “Your friend and I like each other. I’m going to just borrow her for a few minutes. That’s cool with you guys.”
Telling her group, “Your friend and I like each other,” may seem bold, but it's actually based on cold fact at this point. She’s given you repeated signs of interest (I like you) and you’ve screened and accepted her (I like you back).
So when you tell her friends, “Your friend and I like each other,” the Object of Your Desire will give you no resistance.
Telling her group, “I’m going to just borrow her for a few minutes,” simply paces the action so that they won't be surprised when she disappears... and won't go looking for her when she does.
And telling the group, “That’s cool with you guys,” gets her group’s verbal, explicit permission for you to snatch her away and neutralizes any cock-blocking they might otherwise give you. If you’ve already demonstrated social value to the group, it’s highly unlikely that her friends will say no.
Now that you have her separated from her group, take her by the hand and lead her to a quieter place in the club.
Now’s the time to build that intimate sense of bond and connection with her. Why will it work now?
1. You already have social value to her.
2. She likes you. She’s been giving you signs of interest.
3. She knows you like her and that she had to work to earn your interest (screening and acceptance).
Now you need to show her that you’re not just an interesting club guy, but that you’re a REAL HUMAN BEING.
First, SIT DOWN with her.
Second, DROP the social value building techniques of social proofing, teasing, ignoring, balls busting, zany stories, psychological games, cocky posturing, and all that.
You ALREADY have HIGH social value to her. Doing more will just slow things down at best, trip things up at worst.
The point of Bond and Connection is to show her that you’re a NORMAL guy, not just a club guy. You’re about to reveal to her a little bit of your true, inner SOUL.
Third, once you have her isolated and sitting down with you, adjust your Nonverbal Sexual Cues.
Project the energy of sharing your soul and deep intimacy with her. Imagine that you’ve known this girl forever and she’s already your girlfriend. Imagine a tangible energy between the two of your bodies, like an electric current.
Your Nonverbal Sexual Cues will automatically adjust to the new frame - bedroom eyes, smiling up close, deep eye contact, your body and face completely turned toward hers, slow breathing, husky voice, and warm body heat.
At this point, you’ll want to launch into your Bond and Connection (B&C) material. Here are some basic B&C routines I like to use.
Elicit her values: Ask her questions that will reveal her core values. For example, you can ask her, “What in your life makes you really happy?”
She might, say “Doing well at my job/school.”
Then ask her, “And what does doing well at your job/school allow you to feel?”
She might reply, “Feeling like I’ve accomplished something.”
Ask her, “And what’s the feeling you get when you accomplish something?”
She might reply, “I get that high, that rush.”
Then squeeze her hands and tell her, “Isn’t it great when someone understands you on that level and you can experience that rush with them.”
Then pay her a sincere compliment on that positive attribute of hers (wanting to accomplish her goals in this case) that she holds so important. Tell her that she’ll have successes because of that positive attribute.
Wonderful connection: Tell her how amazing it is that you met each other. Talk about destiny. Talk about that wonderful connection that you have together, and how that’s something so rare and so hard to find. Have her take that connection that you share, have her give it a color, and have her visualize it expanding over the both of you through each other’s bodies.
The club is phony: Talk about how club gaming is phony and that you feel like you can really open up to her and be yourself with her. Tell her that you don’t feel you have to put up a front with her like you do with other girls. Tell her that she’s different than all the other clubber girls you meet.
Tell her an intimate story about yourself: Have a story ready to tell her about some intimate experience you’ve had that you “don’t normally share with girls.” Perhaps like the day your puppy died and how it emotionally affected you and ever since that day you never take your life for granted. The story should be about YOU and show your more sensitive side.
While running this B&C material, be aware of your nonverbal sexual cues. Your physical and energetic intimacy and deep rapport should match the intimacy and deep rapport of your words.
Continue building a bond and connection with the girl for AT LEAST twenty minutes before attempting to get her phone number, scheduling a date, or getting her to leave the club with you to grab something to eat.
So let’s summarize everything:
Don’t launch into Bond and Connection routines and material right away with a girl. You won’t have enough social value to her for her to take it seriously and you’ll just look like another “nice guy”. Instead, follow these steps in order:
1. Build social value for yourself.
2. Once she’s given you signs of interest, isolate the girl from her friends.
3. Sit down with her and build that intimate, deep rapport of Bond and Connection.
By following these steps you'll increase your likelihood of getting with the hottest girls tenfold.
No longer will you be waiting for dumb luck to whack upside the head or rely on playing the numbers. By using the techniques in Seduction Science, you’ll be able to pick out the hottest girl in the whole club – and get THAT ONE GIRL with precision accuracy.
Let me ask you, where do you see yourself in ten years?
Stuck in relationship with a woman you just settled for, but aren’t really happy with? Alone possibly? Or perhaps looking back on your life and regretting you didn’t make it what you wanted it to be while you still had the chance?
Our lives are actually pretty short. It’s pretty scary to think about it so it’s not something we pay much attention to – until it’s too late.
Don’t settle for third or fourth best for yourself. The Seduction Science System, 2nd Edition, Nonverbal Sexual Cuing, and Opening Magic courses will launch you directly down the path of full female abundance – not with just any girls, but with the truly beautiful women and the Perfect 10s.
No one ever said you’ll master this in a single day, or even a month. But with some practice, dedication, and commitment you’ll reach your destination and your destiny.
Others, including myself, are there to help you. With all my courses also comes membership to the Vitalio VIP Lounge where you’ll be able to get feedback to your progress.
Stop making excuses for yourself. Now’s the time to change your life forever. Go for it!
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
So a lot of guys naturally attempt to establish that sense of bond and connection with a girl right away.
They approach a girl at a bookstore or club and attempt to establish deep rapport right away by eliciting her values or doing an incredible connection routine.
Unfortunately, they walk away brushed off by the girl and scratching their heads as to what they did wrong.
What went wrong is that they tried to establish an intimate bond and connection TOO SOON.
Yes, getting deep rapport with a girl is necessary - eventually.
But NOT at the first moment you meet her.
If you try for bond, connection, and deep rapport at the first moment you meet a girl, it will blow up in your face.
Because you don’t have enough Social Value to the girl yet.
It’s not that women don’t like that building that sense of bond and connection with a man. They LIKE it. They WANT it.
They just want to do it with a man with equal or higher social value than themselves.
If you jump directly into Bond and Connection (B&C) routines and material right away without establishing any social value first, you’ll just come across as another “nice guy”.
First, you have to build your social value to the girl. As I’ve discussed in detail before, there are many ways of doing this:
1. Social proof - she sees you talking with other hot girls
2. Nonverbal Sexual Cues - good voice, strong body language, eye contact, etc.
3. Ignoring social pressure - you walk right up to her, ignore everybody else extremely confident and brash
4. Your visual style - how you're dressed, groomed, etc
5. Demonstrating value obliquely - winning over her friends, telling cool stories, palm reading, etc
6. Disqualifying yourself - ignoring her in front of her friends
7. Screening her - make her earn your acceptance
Once you’re in her group of friends, have built social value for yourself, and screened her and accepted her, she’ll begin giving you signs of interest – touching you, smiling at you, turning her body to face you, attempt to initiate conversation with you, and so on.
This is the point – once you know she likes you – that you want to establish that deep, intimate, bond and connection with her.
Once she’s giving you signs of interest, you'll want to get her AWAY from her friends.
While you needed to engage her entire group of friends to establish your social value, once you have it, her friends will actually HINDER the coming Bond and Connection phase of the seduction.
To establish that deep rapport of bond and connection, you'll need to get the girl ALONE and talk with her one-on-one.
Separating her from her friends is rather easy to accomplish.
First tell the Object of Your Desire (OYD), “Hey, I have the coolest thing I’ve just got to show you this…”
This is a curiosity hook. She’ll ask you, “What is it?”
Tell her that you can’t show her here… it’s too loud or that you need to show her in private.
Now she’ll go with you, if you simply lead her. But you can’t take her just yet.
You still have to neutralize any potential objections from her peer group that you’ll be stealing her away from them.
Tell her group of friends, “Your friend and I like each other. I’m going to just borrow her for a few minutes. That’s cool with you guys.”
Telling her group, “Your friend and I like each other,” may seem bold, but it's actually based on cold fact at this point. She’s given you repeated signs of interest (I like you) and you’ve screened and accepted her (I like you back).
So when you tell her friends, “Your friend and I like each other,” the Object of Your Desire will give you no resistance.
Telling her group, “I’m going to just borrow her for a few minutes,” simply paces the action so that they won't be surprised when she disappears... and won't go looking for her when she does.
And telling the group, “That’s cool with you guys,” gets her group’s verbal, explicit permission for you to snatch her away and neutralizes any cock-blocking they might otherwise give you. If you’ve already demonstrated social value to the group, it’s highly unlikely that her friends will say no.
Now that you have her separated from her group, take her by the hand and lead her to a quieter place in the club.
Now’s the time to build that intimate sense of bond and connection with her. Why will it work now?
1. You already have social value to her.
2. She likes you. She’s been giving you signs of interest.
3. She knows you like her and that she had to work to earn your interest (screening and acceptance).
Now you need to show her that you’re not just an interesting club guy, but that you’re a REAL HUMAN BEING.
First, SIT DOWN with her.
Second, DROP the social value building techniques of social proofing, teasing, ignoring, balls busting, zany stories, psychological games, cocky posturing, and all that.
You ALREADY have HIGH social value to her. Doing more will just slow things down at best, trip things up at worst.
The point of Bond and Connection is to show her that you’re a NORMAL guy, not just a club guy. You’re about to reveal to her a little bit of your true, inner SOUL.
Third, once you have her isolated and sitting down with you, adjust your Nonverbal Sexual Cues.
Project the energy of sharing your soul and deep intimacy with her. Imagine that you’ve known this girl forever and she’s already your girlfriend. Imagine a tangible energy between the two of your bodies, like an electric current.
Your Nonverbal Sexual Cues will automatically adjust to the new frame - bedroom eyes, smiling up close, deep eye contact, your body and face completely turned toward hers, slow breathing, husky voice, and warm body heat.
At this point, you’ll want to launch into your Bond and Connection (B&C) material. Here are some basic B&C routines I like to use.
Elicit her values: Ask her questions that will reveal her core values. For example, you can ask her, “What in your life makes you really happy?”
She might, say “Doing well at my job/school.”
Then ask her, “And what does doing well at your job/school allow you to feel?”
She might reply, “Feeling like I’ve accomplished something.”
Ask her, “And what’s the feeling you get when you accomplish something?”
She might reply, “I get that high, that rush.”
Then squeeze her hands and tell her, “Isn’t it great when someone understands you on that level and you can experience that rush with them.”
Then pay her a sincere compliment on that positive attribute of hers (wanting to accomplish her goals in this case) that she holds so important. Tell her that she’ll have successes because of that positive attribute.
Wonderful connection: Tell her how amazing it is that you met each other. Talk about destiny. Talk about that wonderful connection that you have together, and how that’s something so rare and so hard to find. Have her take that connection that you share, have her give it a color, and have her visualize it expanding over the both of you through each other’s bodies.
The club is phony: Talk about how club gaming is phony and that you feel like you can really open up to her and be yourself with her. Tell her that you don’t feel you have to put up a front with her like you do with other girls. Tell her that she’s different than all the other clubber girls you meet.
Tell her an intimate story about yourself: Have a story ready to tell her about some intimate experience you’ve had that you “don’t normally share with girls.” Perhaps like the day your puppy died and how it emotionally affected you and ever since that day you never take your life for granted. The story should be about YOU and show your more sensitive side.
While running this B&C material, be aware of your nonverbal sexual cues. Your physical and energetic intimacy and deep rapport should match the intimacy and deep rapport of your words.
Continue building a bond and connection with the girl for AT LEAST twenty minutes before attempting to get her phone number, scheduling a date, or getting her to leave the club with you to grab something to eat.
So let’s summarize everything:
Don’t launch into Bond and Connection routines and material right away with a girl. You won’t have enough social value to her for her to take it seriously and you’ll just look like another “nice guy”. Instead, follow these steps in order:
1. Build social value for yourself.
2. Once she’s given you signs of interest, isolate the girl from her friends.
3. Sit down with her and build that intimate, deep rapport of Bond and Connection.
By following these steps you'll increase your likelihood of getting with the hottest girls tenfold.
No longer will you be waiting for dumb luck to whack upside the head or rely on playing the numbers. By using the techniques in Seduction Science, you’ll be able to pick out the hottest girl in the whole club – and get THAT ONE GIRL with precision accuracy.
Let me ask you, where do you see yourself in ten years?
Stuck in relationship with a woman you just settled for, but aren’t really happy with? Alone possibly? Or perhaps looking back on your life and regretting you didn’t make it what you wanted it to be while you still had the chance?
Our lives are actually pretty short. It’s pretty scary to think about it so it’s not something we pay much attention to – until it’s too late.
Don’t settle for third or fourth best for yourself. The Seduction Science System, 2nd Edition, Nonverbal Sexual Cuing, and Opening Magic courses will launch you directly down the path of full female abundance – not with just any girls, but with the truly beautiful women and the Perfect 10s.
No one ever said you’ll master this in a single day, or even a month. But with some practice, dedication, and commitment you’ll reach your destination and your destiny.
Others, including myself, are there to help you. With all my courses also comes membership to the Vitalio VIP Lounge where you’ll be able to get feedback to your progress.
Stop making excuses for yourself. Now’s the time to change your life forever. Go for it!
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
Has this ever happened to you?
You attempt to get a girl’s phone number and she’s evasive about it.
Or if she gives it to you, when you do call her she doesn’t pickup the phone.
And if you do get in touch with her, she’s too busy to meet up with you.
Unless you have enough social value to a girl, you’ll most likely receive this kind of evasive treatment from her.
In previous reports I’ve discussed how you can build your social value to women in a number of ways through…
…social proof from other girls…
…screening and accepting her…
…and telling fun, interesting stories.
If possible, you want to use all of these value-building elements in each seduction.
For example, let’s say you enter a club and see the hottest girl in the room, the Object of Your Desire (OYD).
You engage other groups of girls in front of your OYD, collecting social-proof points. With social value now, you open the OYD’s own group of friends and gain more social value by telling them stories and showing them cool demonstrations like reading their palms. You then screen the OYD hard, and if she passes, you accept her.
However, building social value for oneself is only half of the equation.
For while you want to BUILD your own social value, you can simultaneously work to LOWER hers.
While your social value moves up, her social value can also move down.
In mathematics, this is called an inverse relationship, in which when one variable increases, the other rises.
The easiest and simplest way to lower a woman’s value is to simply IGNORE her.
Ignoring a woman has a deep psychological impact on her.
It’s a universal human trait to hate being ignored – especially by others with perceived authority and social value.
Children who are routinely ignored by their parents often grow up to see the world as a cold place and desperately seek acceptance from others as adults.
As teenagers, being ignored by one’s peers is akin to a social death.
And even moving to a new city where everyone treats you and ignores you like a stranger, living single and with few friends, can quickly grow emotionally exhausting.
It’s a basic emotional need for people as human beings to be accepted and paid attention to by over people they hold valuable.
Ever been in the opposite situation where everyone’s attention is on YOU and they’re intently listening to what YOU have to say?
Like perhaps you gave a speech to a crowd and got applause. Or perhaps you had a large role in a school play. Or perhaps you had a particularly good time with some girls where you were on a role telling stories and they all laughed, rapt with attention. Or perhaps you found yourself in a leadership position and everyone did exactly whatever you said – not because they had to, but because you emerged as the natural leader of the group.
Any one of those scenarios feels pretty good. You probably even got quite an adrenalin rush and high from the experience.
If you’ve had an experience like that, you know how powerful that high is. Now imagine it’s exact opposite – being ignored. Being ignored is equally as powerful, except that it makes you feel like crap, like a loser.
When you’re ignored by people you hold valuable, it’s as if your total sense of social value is sucked right out of your stomach. And without social value, you experience the feeling of “genetic death” – that without value, no woman will mate with you to pass on your genes.
That’s why we all like positive attention.
Beautiful women look for positive attention more than anyone else. Beautiful women are attention junkies. Why else would they spend hours every day fixing their hair and getting dressed in uncomfortable clothes, high-heels, and makeup if they weren’t looking for some positive attention?
Beautiful women go to clubs to pump attention from men directly into their veins – it’s like a drug fix that they can never satiate.
Don’t Give Beautiful Women Their Fix
Imagine a beautiful woman who is NEVER ignored by men. She ALWAYS gets attention from them. She doesn’t even know what being ignored feels like. She has a lot of social value and on an unconscious level, she knows it.
Now imagine you open her group of friends and build social value for yourself by talking to all of them through stories, jokes, routines, and so on.
But you ignore HER.
You ignore the Object of Your Desire.
You even talk to her friends with your back turned slightly AWAY from her.
This is something she’s never experienced before from a man.
You are different from other men.
She’ll start to feel, “Why isn’t this guy paying attention to me?”
As she stands there, ignored by you and her friends, and no longer the center of attention, her social value deflates like a popped balloon.
Pretty soon, she’ll start to feel terribly uncomfortable that her social value has been body slammed to the floor through the simple phenomenon of – being ignored.
And she’ll get VERY antsy to win your attention VERY quickly.
Because, if she wins your attention, your social value will rub off back on her.
As you’ll see when you try this, within minutes most beautiful women will mentally “snap” from being ignored and try to win your attention back to them and away from their friends.
For example, if you’re reading her friend’s palms but ignoring her, she might say, “Hey what about me!” or “Do me next!” or “Let me try!”
Do not immediately give in to her request. If you immediately give in to her request, she’ll have gotten her attention fix from you. Her social value will be restored. She’s won you over – you’re just another guy who will jump at her every little request.
Instead, tell her teasingly, “Hey greedy fingers… you’ll have to wait...”
Then tell her friends, “Is she your friend? Boy does she have greedy fingers.”
Then continue to ignore her and continue to engage her friends.
Her social value will continue to deflate while yours will continue to rise – an inverse relationship of social value. Your original social values will reverse. If you came in as an 8, you’re now a 10. She falls from a 10 to an 8.
After ignoring her for several more minutes, she’ll be looking for any opening to receive your attention and acceptance of her - in just the same was as how most guys who approach her are looking to receive her attention and acceptance of them!
How sweet it is when the tables are turned… hehe.
This is when you turn to her and start the process of Screening and Acceptance.
Do the math: Her value is lower than yours now. She’s looking for your acceptance. You’ll want to eventually give her your acceptance to move the seduction forward, but don’t give it up right away. Screen her hard first.
If you’ve done your job, she’ll try to win your approval by
passing any screening tests you give her.
Then when she’s passed your screening – and EARNED your approval, give it to her.
Her social value will be restored in that moment.
Give her all of your attention now.
Now with her social value restored, she won’t simply cast you away – since she had to work for your approval and attention. She knows she could lose it again at any moment if she doesn’t live up to your standards.
Her social value will rise back up to meet yours. You will now be conversing as EQUALS. She will treat you and respect you as her full equal, and easily fall in love with you.
And as long as she feels that she had to WORK for and EARN your approval and attention, she’ll have dopamine hormones flooding her head – the hormone responsible for love, desire, and wanting to chase a reward.
So let’s replay how this interplay of social value works.
1. You enter the group
Your social value: 7
Her social value: 10
2. You entertain the group, and ignore her
Your social value: 10 (+3)
Her social value: 7 (-3)
3. You screen her, and finally accept her
Your social value: 10
Her social value: 10 (+3… earned through your acceptance)
Now you're both 10s.
And 10s sleep with 10s.
It’s very important that once she’s won your approval, GIVE HER ATTENTION – she showed good behavior and deserves it. Do NOT continue to ignore her. If you do, you’re moving BACKWARDS and repeating psychological conditioning that has already been accomplished.
Obviously, you don’t always need to ignore the Object of Your Desire to lower her value to get laid. For example, it may be completely unnecessary to ignore a girl who already has low social value – a girl that isn’t particularly attraction for instance. Ignoring a girl to knock down her social value – when she already has low social value to begin with – could crush her ego.
But when dealing with attractive women, ignoring her followed by screening and acceptance will greatly increase your success rate. And the more attractive the woman, the better ignoring her works!
As you can see, the seduction process can be broken down into concrete, universal, scientific steps that return consistent results again and again. After all, all human beings on the planet share more than 99% the same genes. We all share in the same fundamental behavioral responses to certain situations.
Just as you know with scientific certainly that when you mix fire and gunpowder you’ll get a hot explosion, by mixing the elements of my course The Blueprint, A Linear Model Of Seduction you’ll get an emotionally hot explosion in women.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
You attempt to get a girl’s phone number and she’s evasive about it.
Or if she gives it to you, when you do call her she doesn’t pickup the phone.
And if you do get in touch with her, she’s too busy to meet up with you.
Unless you have enough social value to a girl, you’ll most likely receive this kind of evasive treatment from her.
In previous reports I’ve discussed how you can build your social value to women in a number of ways through…
…social proof from other girls…
…screening and accepting her…
…and telling fun, interesting stories.
If possible, you want to use all of these value-building elements in each seduction.
For example, let’s say you enter a club and see the hottest girl in the room, the Object of Your Desire (OYD).
You engage other groups of girls in front of your OYD, collecting social-proof points. With social value now, you open the OYD’s own group of friends and gain more social value by telling them stories and showing them cool demonstrations like reading their palms. You then screen the OYD hard, and if she passes, you accept her.
However, building social value for oneself is only half of the equation.
For while you want to BUILD your own social value, you can simultaneously work to LOWER hers.
While your social value moves up, her social value can also move down.
In mathematics, this is called an inverse relationship, in which when one variable increases, the other rises.
The easiest and simplest way to lower a woman’s value is to simply IGNORE her.
Ignoring a woman has a deep psychological impact on her.
It’s a universal human trait to hate being ignored – especially by others with perceived authority and social value.
Children who are routinely ignored by their parents often grow up to see the world as a cold place and desperately seek acceptance from others as adults.
As teenagers, being ignored by one’s peers is akin to a social death.
And even moving to a new city where everyone treats you and ignores you like a stranger, living single and with few friends, can quickly grow emotionally exhausting.
It’s a basic emotional need for people as human beings to be accepted and paid attention to by over people they hold valuable.
Ever been in the opposite situation where everyone’s attention is on YOU and they’re intently listening to what YOU have to say?
Like perhaps you gave a speech to a crowd and got applause. Or perhaps you had a large role in a school play. Or perhaps you had a particularly good time with some girls where you were on a role telling stories and they all laughed, rapt with attention. Or perhaps you found yourself in a leadership position and everyone did exactly whatever you said – not because they had to, but because you emerged as the natural leader of the group.
Any one of those scenarios feels pretty good. You probably even got quite an adrenalin rush and high from the experience.
If you’ve had an experience like that, you know how powerful that high is. Now imagine it’s exact opposite – being ignored. Being ignored is equally as powerful, except that it makes you feel like crap, like a loser.
When you’re ignored by people you hold valuable, it’s as if your total sense of social value is sucked right out of your stomach. And without social value, you experience the feeling of “genetic death” – that without value, no woman will mate with you to pass on your genes.
That’s why we all like positive attention.
Beautiful women look for positive attention more than anyone else. Beautiful women are attention junkies. Why else would they spend hours every day fixing their hair and getting dressed in uncomfortable clothes, high-heels, and makeup if they weren’t looking for some positive attention?
Beautiful women go to clubs to pump attention from men directly into their veins – it’s like a drug fix that they can never satiate.
Don’t Give Beautiful Women Their Fix
Imagine a beautiful woman who is NEVER ignored by men. She ALWAYS gets attention from them. She doesn’t even know what being ignored feels like. She has a lot of social value and on an unconscious level, she knows it.
Now imagine you open her group of friends and build social value for yourself by talking to all of them through stories, jokes, routines, and so on.
But you ignore HER.
You ignore the Object of Your Desire.
You even talk to her friends with your back turned slightly AWAY from her.
This is something she’s never experienced before from a man.
You are different from other men.
She’ll start to feel, “Why isn’t this guy paying attention to me?”
As she stands there, ignored by you and her friends, and no longer the center of attention, her social value deflates like a popped balloon.
Pretty soon, she’ll start to feel terribly uncomfortable that her social value has been body slammed to the floor through the simple phenomenon of – being ignored.
And she’ll get VERY antsy to win your attention VERY quickly.
Because, if she wins your attention, your social value will rub off back on her.
As you’ll see when you try this, within minutes most beautiful women will mentally “snap” from being ignored and try to win your attention back to them and away from their friends.
For example, if you’re reading her friend’s palms but ignoring her, she might say, “Hey what about me!” or “Do me next!” or “Let me try!”
Do not immediately give in to her request. If you immediately give in to her request, she’ll have gotten her attention fix from you. Her social value will be restored. She’s won you over – you’re just another guy who will jump at her every little request.
Instead, tell her teasingly, “Hey greedy fingers… you’ll have to wait...”
Then tell her friends, “Is she your friend? Boy does she have greedy fingers.”
Then continue to ignore her and continue to engage her friends.
Her social value will continue to deflate while yours will continue to rise – an inverse relationship of social value. Your original social values will reverse. If you came in as an 8, you’re now a 10. She falls from a 10 to an 8.
After ignoring her for several more minutes, she’ll be looking for any opening to receive your attention and acceptance of her - in just the same was as how most guys who approach her are looking to receive her attention and acceptance of them!
How sweet it is when the tables are turned… hehe.
This is when you turn to her and start the process of Screening and Acceptance.
Do the math: Her value is lower than yours now. She’s looking for your acceptance. You’ll want to eventually give her your acceptance to move the seduction forward, but don’t give it up right away. Screen her hard first.
If you’ve done your job, she’ll try to win your approval by
passing any screening tests you give her.
Then when she’s passed your screening – and EARNED your approval, give it to her.
Her social value will be restored in that moment.
Give her all of your attention now.
Now with her social value restored, she won’t simply cast you away – since she had to work for your approval and attention. She knows she could lose it again at any moment if she doesn’t live up to your standards.
Her social value will rise back up to meet yours. You will now be conversing as EQUALS. She will treat you and respect you as her full equal, and easily fall in love with you.
And as long as she feels that she had to WORK for and EARN your approval and attention, she’ll have dopamine hormones flooding her head – the hormone responsible for love, desire, and wanting to chase a reward.
So let’s replay how this interplay of social value works.
1. You enter the group
Your social value: 7
Her social value: 10
2. You entertain the group, and ignore her
Your social value: 10 (+3)
Her social value: 7 (-3)
3. You screen her, and finally accept her
Your social value: 10
Her social value: 10 (+3… earned through your acceptance)
Now you're both 10s.
And 10s sleep with 10s.
It’s very important that once she’s won your approval, GIVE HER ATTENTION – she showed good behavior and deserves it. Do NOT continue to ignore her. If you do, you’re moving BACKWARDS and repeating psychological conditioning that has already been accomplished.
Obviously, you don’t always need to ignore the Object of Your Desire to lower her value to get laid. For example, it may be completely unnecessary to ignore a girl who already has low social value – a girl that isn’t particularly attraction for instance. Ignoring a girl to knock down her social value – when she already has low social value to begin with – could crush her ego.
But when dealing with attractive women, ignoring her followed by screening and acceptance will greatly increase your success rate. And the more attractive the woman, the better ignoring her works!
As you can see, the seduction process can be broken down into concrete, universal, scientific steps that return consistent results again and again. After all, all human beings on the planet share more than 99% the same genes. We all share in the same fundamental behavioral responses to certain situations.
Just as you know with scientific certainly that when you mix fire and gunpowder you’ll get a hot explosion, by mixing the elements of my course The Blueprint, A Linear Model Of Seduction you’ll get an emotionally hot explosion in women.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
I know this girl likes me. She touches me, flirts with me, we have great conversations together, and she sees me with other hot girls.
But I can never get her to agree to go somewhere else or meet for coffee or lunch or anything. I should have had her in bed by now. What else do I need to be doing?
Sometimes an extremely hot woman so lives in the frame that SHE is the chooser that, even if you do everything else RIGHT and have social proof from other girls, she still won’t actively chase you.
Even if you touch her, have great conversations with her, and she sees you with other hot girls, in her mind YOU should always be chasing HER.
You need a way to get her off her butt and start chasing YOU.
The perfect technique for this is called SCREENING and almost no seduction is successful without it.
Screening simply refers to the idea of throwing tests at her that she has to pass in order for her to win your approval.
For example, you could say to her, “You know I like you, but you’re not a stalker are you? You’re not the type who checks her messages five times a day, will call me in the middle of the night are you? Will I be safe around you?”
When screening a girl, you establish that YOU are the chooser and that SHE is the chaser. She must work for and win your approval and acceptance of her.
You can screen a woman on just about anything, but what often works best is screening her based on completely trivial qualities.
For example you could say to woman, “I can just tell you would be so much trouble for me. I can see it in those eyes. You just look like a handful. How do I know you won’t just drive me up the wall?”
Or you could say, “You look young for me. Hmm, what else do you have going for you that would make up for that?”
The key is to sound playful and not too serious. Wear a smile on your face. If she already likes you somewhat, she’ll start trying to prove her value to you.
You can also screen a girl for qualities that you’re seriously looking for. For example, perhaps you want a bi-sexual girl that will eventually have threesomes with you. You can tell a woman, “I only date bi-sexual women.”
Or tell her, “I only date highly creative and intelligent women. Are you creative?”
Or say, “Do you work out? I like to be with women who take care of themselves.”
The second step to screening is ACCEPTANCE.
You see, at some point after fighting for your approval, the girl has to feel that she’s proven herself to you. She’ll only feel worthy of you if you ACCEPT her for passing your tests.
So if you say, “I only date bi-sexual women,” and she starts telling you about how she’s thought about being with a girl before, that shows she wants to win your approval. That’s good behavior on her part.
Reward her for her good behavior.
You: “I only date bi-sexual women.”
Her: “Oh… you know, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be with a girl.”
You: “Wow, so you don’t listen to all the stupid rules society places on women. See, I knew you were cool. We can hang out then.” (squeeze her hands)
RAPID ACCEPTANCE is when you reward a woman right away for her good answer. For example,
You: “What’s your favorite show on television?”
Her: “Desperate Housewives”
You: “Wow, I *love* that show. Oh my god, I can just imagine us ten years from now fat as cows on the couch watching marathon reruns of it.” (hug her)
You can also use DELAYED ACCEPTANCE.
With delayed acceptance, you drag out the screening process and make her really work for your approval. You leave her hanging in suspense for your acceptance.
For example, I met this cute girl at the bookstore the other day. After talking a bit I found out that she was a fundamentalist Christian. I started to GRILL her about her beliefs for 20 minutes straight, questioning everything she believed in.
Once I realized she wasn’t going to budge I said to her, “Wow, you know what… you actually stuck up for yourself. That’s really amazing. I thought you would have folded right away. Most of the girls I meet are really flaky… but you’re not like other girls. You are SO awesome.” Then I gave her a hug.
At that moment when I hugged her and accepted her, after the heavy screening, she was practically in love with me. She invited me to a party and gave me three phone numbers to reach her at.
When I met her at the party, she introduced me to about twenty of her cute friends and stuck to my side like glue. She had that starry look in her eyes whenever she looked at me.
All this from a girl whose beliefs dictated I would probably rot in hell… all because I made her work - and wait - for my delayed acceptance!
You can also delay acceptance by STACKING screening criteria, and giving her acceptance only at the very end.
For example, you can give her five or sex screening tests she must pass all in rapid fire succession – that she lives too far away, that you don’t want to get involved with a girl unless she’s devoted to you, that you don’t normally date girls you meet in clubs, that she’s probably the jealous type, that she will probably stalk you, and so on.
Then, instead of giving acceptance on each individual point, reward all of her good answers with a grand, universal acceptance at the very end once she’s jumped through all of your hoops.
Tell her, “You know, when I first met you I thought you were just like all the other girls. But you’re not like other girls. You’re x, y, and z. I’m so glad I met someone like you… I feel like there’s a special connection between us.” Then hug her or squeeze her hands. “Doesn’t that feel awesome when you meet somebody like that?”
Not too long ago I screened my honey-hot hairdresser HARD. She worked out two hours a day and it showed - she had the tightest legs in a mini-skirt I’ve ever seen.
I kept screening her and she kept trying to win my acceptance but I wouldn’t let her. Whatever her answer was, I didn’t act overly impressed.
After my haircut was finished she talked with me in the sitting chairs for an extra 15 minutes trying to win me over. Finally, she told me what great massages she gives. I told her that I didn’t believe it. She offered to prove it by giving me a massage at her place in the nude.
It’s not that rapid acceptance is better than delayed acceptance of visa-versa. Both work and compliment each other. Use them in combination.
The hotter the chick, the harder you may need to screen. On an extremely hot girl, don’t be afraid to pummel her with screening criteria. Screen HARD.
So why does Screening and Acceptance work so powerfully on women?
When a girl begins to become attracted to you, the level of the hormone Dopamine increases in her brain. Dopamine is an arousal hormone that produces a feeling or euphoria, desire, and motivation. Dopamine motivates people to want to work for and win a reward.
So a girl may like you and consequently have elevated levels of Dopamine, but unless you create a structure that motivates her to win a reward, she may not act on that attraction.
Likewise, extremely hot women are so used to being chased and never having to work for a man’s interest that they may never have felt that dopamine rush of euphoria and the excitement of the chase IN THEIR ENTIRE LIVES.
Some hot women have NEVER felt what we would call “infatuation” or “romantic love”.
However, when you screen an attractive woman and screen her hard, you may be the first man she has ever had to prove herself to. You may be the first man she finds she has to win over and get acceptance by. You may be the first man to release her Dopamine hormones and make her feel that sense of euphoria, desire, and drive to win.
That’s why screening and acceptance typically works even more powerfully the more beautiful the woman.
No when might screening and acceptance NOT work?
Let’s say you see an attractive girl across the room. You walk up to her and immediately start screening her by saying, “Yeah, you’re pretty, but what else have you got going for you?”
A lot of girls need acceptance no matter what the situation, and they’ll start trying to immediately win your approval – even though they just met you two seconds ago!
However, other women will not feel they have to prove themselves to a total stranger with no value to them. They might say back to you, “Nothing. And who are you to ask?”
Or let’s say you’re regarded as the class nerd – a total dork and everyone makes fun of you. Your social status is near zero. Even if you screen a girl, she may think so lowly of you she won’t feel she has anything to prove to you. If you tell her, “So are you adventurous?” she might respond “No.”
You see, ideally, you want to have *some* SOCIAL VALUE to the girl BEFORE you start screening her. If you have no social value to her, she won’t care about your approval.
So the key is to build up your value first before you screen her. Building your value could be as simple as having her see you with other girls, making her friends laugh, or coming across as a cool guy that read her palm.
After she shows you two or three signs of interest or “green lights” – for example touching you, initiating a conversation, making eye contact, or standing next to you – THEN do you screen her.
Let’s summarize how the entire process would work in the real world.
You walk into a club. Your social status is a 6. You see a beautiful babe. Her social status is a 9. You could try to screen her right away, but it would be a hit-or-miss situation.
Your first job is to increase your social status and value to her. You might talk to other girls in front of her. Or you might talk to her friends and make them laugh. Soon your social status increases from a 6, to a 7, to an 8.
Once she starts giving you some signs of interest (smiles, touches, etc), start screening her. Since you have social status to her at this point, she will respond by trying to win your approval and gain your acceptance of her.
While you screen her, and while she tries to win you, the social dynamic is that you have MORE status than she does. Now she’s a 7 and you’re a 9. The Dopamine hormone will be flooding her brain at full throttle.
Once she passes your tests, ACCEPT her. Give her a hug, or hold her hands. Now she’ll feel as if she’s EARNED you. Her social status raises back up to a 9. You’re both 9s now, together.
9s sleep with other 9s.
Now, in the rare case you misread the situation and she doesn’t respond to your screening, just pretend like you didn’t hear her answer. Pretend like nothing happened. Just back off the screening and continue to build more social value for yourself. Then, once you have more value in her eyes, screen her again.
Now imagine how long it can take you to learn this stuff ALL ON YOUR OWN.
Imagine how much time you’d waste figuring it all out by yourself.
Imagine you much of your life you’d have wasted if you did everything on your own – if you built your own car from scratch out of scrap metal or if you grew your own food in the backyard.
That’s why I wrote The Seduction Science System – so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and learn everything the hard way like I had to. You can start having success RIGHT AWAY.
And that’s why you need to learn the real SCIENCE of the seduction process, the SCIENCE of triggering the arousal hormones like Dopamine in the woman’s brain.
You KNOW this is an aspect of your life you need to take care of. Get to it.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
But I can never get her to agree to go somewhere else or meet for coffee or lunch or anything. I should have had her in bed by now. What else do I need to be doing?
Sometimes an extremely hot woman so lives in the frame that SHE is the chooser that, even if you do everything else RIGHT and have social proof from other girls, she still won’t actively chase you.
Even if you touch her, have great conversations with her, and she sees you with other hot girls, in her mind YOU should always be chasing HER.
You need a way to get her off her butt and start chasing YOU.
The perfect technique for this is called SCREENING and almost no seduction is successful without it.
Screening simply refers to the idea of throwing tests at her that she has to pass in order for her to win your approval.
For example, you could say to her, “You know I like you, but you’re not a stalker are you? You’re not the type who checks her messages five times a day, will call me in the middle of the night are you? Will I be safe around you?”
When screening a girl, you establish that YOU are the chooser and that SHE is the chaser. She must work for and win your approval and acceptance of her.
You can screen a woman on just about anything, but what often works best is screening her based on completely trivial qualities.
For example you could say to woman, “I can just tell you would be so much trouble for me. I can see it in those eyes. You just look like a handful. How do I know you won’t just drive me up the wall?”
Or you could say, “You look young for me. Hmm, what else do you have going for you that would make up for that?”
The key is to sound playful and not too serious. Wear a smile on your face. If she already likes you somewhat, she’ll start trying to prove her value to you.
You can also screen a girl for qualities that you’re seriously looking for. For example, perhaps you want a bi-sexual girl that will eventually have threesomes with you. You can tell a woman, “I only date bi-sexual women.”
Or tell her, “I only date highly creative and intelligent women. Are you creative?”
Or say, “Do you work out? I like to be with women who take care of themselves.”
The second step to screening is ACCEPTANCE.
You see, at some point after fighting for your approval, the girl has to feel that she’s proven herself to you. She’ll only feel worthy of you if you ACCEPT her for passing your tests.
So if you say, “I only date bi-sexual women,” and she starts telling you about how she’s thought about being with a girl before, that shows she wants to win your approval. That’s good behavior on her part.
Reward her for her good behavior.
You: “I only date bi-sexual women.”
Her: “Oh… you know, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be with a girl.”
You: “Wow, so you don’t listen to all the stupid rules society places on women. See, I knew you were cool. We can hang out then.” (squeeze her hands)
RAPID ACCEPTANCE is when you reward a woman right away for her good answer. For example,
You: “What’s your favorite show on television?”
Her: “Desperate Housewives”
You: “Wow, I *love* that show. Oh my god, I can just imagine us ten years from now fat as cows on the couch watching marathon reruns of it.” (hug her)
You can also use DELAYED ACCEPTANCE.
With delayed acceptance, you drag out the screening process and make her really work for your approval. You leave her hanging in suspense for your acceptance.
For example, I met this cute girl at the bookstore the other day. After talking a bit I found out that she was a fundamentalist Christian. I started to GRILL her about her beliefs for 20 minutes straight, questioning everything she believed in.
Once I realized she wasn’t going to budge I said to her, “Wow, you know what… you actually stuck up for yourself. That’s really amazing. I thought you would have folded right away. Most of the girls I meet are really flaky… but you’re not like other girls. You are SO awesome.” Then I gave her a hug.
At that moment when I hugged her and accepted her, after the heavy screening, she was practically in love with me. She invited me to a party and gave me three phone numbers to reach her at.
When I met her at the party, she introduced me to about twenty of her cute friends and stuck to my side like glue. She had that starry look in her eyes whenever she looked at me.
All this from a girl whose beliefs dictated I would probably rot in hell… all because I made her work - and wait - for my delayed acceptance!
You can also delay acceptance by STACKING screening criteria, and giving her acceptance only at the very end.
For example, you can give her five or sex screening tests she must pass all in rapid fire succession – that she lives too far away, that you don’t want to get involved with a girl unless she’s devoted to you, that you don’t normally date girls you meet in clubs, that she’s probably the jealous type, that she will probably stalk you, and so on.
Then, instead of giving acceptance on each individual point, reward all of her good answers with a grand, universal acceptance at the very end once she’s jumped through all of your hoops.
Tell her, “You know, when I first met you I thought you were just like all the other girls. But you’re not like other girls. You’re x, y, and z. I’m so glad I met someone like you… I feel like there’s a special connection between us.” Then hug her or squeeze her hands. “Doesn’t that feel awesome when you meet somebody like that?”
Not too long ago I screened my honey-hot hairdresser HARD. She worked out two hours a day and it showed - she had the tightest legs in a mini-skirt I’ve ever seen.
I kept screening her and she kept trying to win my acceptance but I wouldn’t let her. Whatever her answer was, I didn’t act overly impressed.
After my haircut was finished she talked with me in the sitting chairs for an extra 15 minutes trying to win me over. Finally, she told me what great massages she gives. I told her that I didn’t believe it. She offered to prove it by giving me a massage at her place in the nude.
It’s not that rapid acceptance is better than delayed acceptance of visa-versa. Both work and compliment each other. Use them in combination.
The hotter the chick, the harder you may need to screen. On an extremely hot girl, don’t be afraid to pummel her with screening criteria. Screen HARD.
So why does Screening and Acceptance work so powerfully on women?
When a girl begins to become attracted to you, the level of the hormone Dopamine increases in her brain. Dopamine is an arousal hormone that produces a feeling or euphoria, desire, and motivation. Dopamine motivates people to want to work for and win a reward.
So a girl may like you and consequently have elevated levels of Dopamine, but unless you create a structure that motivates her to win a reward, she may not act on that attraction.
Likewise, extremely hot women are so used to being chased and never having to work for a man’s interest that they may never have felt that dopamine rush of euphoria and the excitement of the chase IN THEIR ENTIRE LIVES.
Some hot women have NEVER felt what we would call “infatuation” or “romantic love”.
However, when you screen an attractive woman and screen her hard, you may be the first man she has ever had to prove herself to. You may be the first man she finds she has to win over and get acceptance by. You may be the first man to release her Dopamine hormones and make her feel that sense of euphoria, desire, and drive to win.
That’s why screening and acceptance typically works even more powerfully the more beautiful the woman.
No when might screening and acceptance NOT work?
Let’s say you see an attractive girl across the room. You walk up to her and immediately start screening her by saying, “Yeah, you’re pretty, but what else have you got going for you?”
A lot of girls need acceptance no matter what the situation, and they’ll start trying to immediately win your approval – even though they just met you two seconds ago!
However, other women will not feel they have to prove themselves to a total stranger with no value to them. They might say back to you, “Nothing. And who are you to ask?”
Or let’s say you’re regarded as the class nerd – a total dork and everyone makes fun of you. Your social status is near zero. Even if you screen a girl, she may think so lowly of you she won’t feel she has anything to prove to you. If you tell her, “So are you adventurous?” she might respond “No.”
You see, ideally, you want to have *some* SOCIAL VALUE to the girl BEFORE you start screening her. If you have no social value to her, she won’t care about your approval.
So the key is to build up your value first before you screen her. Building your value could be as simple as having her see you with other girls, making her friends laugh, or coming across as a cool guy that read her palm.
After she shows you two or three signs of interest or “green lights” – for example touching you, initiating a conversation, making eye contact, or standing next to you – THEN do you screen her.
Let’s summarize how the entire process would work in the real world.
You walk into a club. Your social status is a 6. You see a beautiful babe. Her social status is a 9. You could try to screen her right away, but it would be a hit-or-miss situation.
Your first job is to increase your social status and value to her. You might talk to other girls in front of her. Or you might talk to her friends and make them laugh. Soon your social status increases from a 6, to a 7, to an 8.
Once she starts giving you some signs of interest (smiles, touches, etc), start screening her. Since you have social status to her at this point, she will respond by trying to win your approval and gain your acceptance of her.
While you screen her, and while she tries to win you, the social dynamic is that you have MORE status than she does. Now she’s a 7 and you’re a 9. The Dopamine hormone will be flooding her brain at full throttle.
Once she passes your tests, ACCEPT her. Give her a hug, or hold her hands. Now she’ll feel as if she’s EARNED you. Her social status raises back up to a 9. You’re both 9s now, together.
9s sleep with other 9s.
Now, in the rare case you misread the situation and she doesn’t respond to your screening, just pretend like you didn’t hear her answer. Pretend like nothing happened. Just back off the screening and continue to build more social value for yourself. Then, once you have more value in her eyes, screen her again.
Now imagine how long it can take you to learn this stuff ALL ON YOUR OWN.
Imagine how much time you’d waste figuring it all out by yourself.
Imagine you much of your life you’d have wasted if you did everything on your own – if you built your own car from scratch out of scrap metal or if you grew your own food in the backyard.
That’s why I wrote The Seduction Science System – so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and learn everything the hard way like I had to. You can start having success RIGHT AWAY.
And that’s why you need to learn the real SCIENCE of the seduction process, the SCIENCE of triggering the arousal hormones like Dopamine in the woman’s brain.
You KNOW this is an aspect of your life you need to take care of. Get to it.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
A lot of guys ask me whether they should use a “direct” or “indirect” approach when first approaching women.
Direct is where you make your sexual interest known to the girl upfront, right away. For example, in a direct approach you might walk up to a woman and look right into her eyes and tell her how sexy she is.
Indirect is where you talk or interact with the girl, but keep your sexual interest disguised, at least initially. In an indirect approach, you might ask a woman her opinion on something to open her.
I’m going to give you the answer to what's better, to be direct or to be indirect. But the answer is not as cut-and-dry as to say direct OR indirect. Let me explain.
Let’s say you’re an average or below-average looking guy and you walk alone into a club. Across the room, you see this gorgeous woman who could sleep with any guy she wanted. In fact, all the other guys look at her hoping she’ll make eye contact with them. She’s a Perfect 10.
What if you made a DIRECT approach on this Perfect 10?
What if, as an average looking guy, and with no social proof from other girls, you walked up to her. You tell her what a nice energy she has. Or you take her hands and without saying a word start massaging them. Or you tell her a clichéd pick-up line like, “So, is it hot in here or is it just you?” in a playful way.
Even if your delivery is smooth, you have to remember something very important:
When you walk into a club, your social status is a 6.
HER social status is a 10.
A 10 will not sleep with a 6.
Sorry, I hate to say that, but it's true.
When you directly approach a Perfect 10 and immediately begin displaying interest in her, you have to keep in mind that she knows nothing about you.
You might as well be any other random guy in the club, who all want to sleep with her - and there’s not enough of her to go around. She has unlimited choice. Why would she want to sleep with you over anyone else?
In such a case, you might get a smile and a thank you for a compliment, but the direct approach alone does little to increase your social value to her.
Of course a direct approach CAN work... under different circumstances.
Let’s say that you’re incredibly good looking and well-dressed – better looking and well-dressed than 99% of the other guys in the club. You’re good looking enough that other women look at you to admire your chiseled features and rock-hard body.
When you directly approach a woman, right away she can visually SEE how great-looking you are. She’s NOTICED that other women look at you, giving you implicit social proof from the other women. Add to that you come in with very strong body language like strong eye contact, a solid smile, relaxed shoulders, and a sexy swagger.
In this case, you’re social status is more like a 9 than a 6.
Direct approaches on super-beautiful women may work for you then, because even before you’ve opened your mouth she’s already decided you have as much value as she does. The two of you have equal value.
In such a circumstance, you could tell the beautiful woman ANYTHING using ANY kind of approach and you’ll still be successful.
When else will direct approaches work?
Let’s say you’re an average-looking guy and you’re social value is an average 6 when you walk into the club. You’re normal in other words. You spot a girl who is not outright ugly, but not a head turner either - maybe a 6 or a 7 out of 10.
You walk up to her and do a direct approach. She’s surprised that any guy would be so direct with her or pay her that kind of attention.
In this case, a direct approach can work because you’re approaching a girl with the same social status as you. A 6 or a 7 will sleep with a 6 in other words.
You might even land an 8 once in a while with direct approaches if you’re nonverbal skills are good and if you play the numbers.
And guess what. There’s nothing wrong with direct approaches. If you like 6s, 7s, and occassional 8s that is. Or if you like big women for instance that most men normally pass over. You can get laid a lot this way.
But what if you’re one of the millions of guys with average looks but wants to get with really HOT women, the 9s and the Perfect 10s?
Direct approaches won’t work on 9s and 10s.
9s and 10s have too much social value to respond to an average guy who has otherwise demonstrated little or no value to them.
When you a compliment or do a direct opener on a 10, she knows she already has won you. They may smile and say thank you to a compliment, but otherwise they’ll attempt to ignore you or blow you out of the conversation. Game over.
Even if the Perfect 10 is intrigued with your direct style, it only takes the social pressure of a disapproving look from one of her girl friends to make her reject you.
For 9s and 10s you can’t openly reveal your sexual interest in them until you’ve increased your own value in their and their friend’s eyes – until you’ve become a 9 or a 10 yourself.
That’s why indirect openers, like casually asking their opinion about something, work.
By initiating the conversation in a casual way by asking the woman’s opinion, her defenses won’t go up.
You separate yourself from all the other guys who only talk to her for sex and start with how they want her.
You’ve bought yourself some time to start demonstrating value in front of her without having to deal with being ignored, back turned, or being blown out of the conversation by her or her friends.
You should look at the opinion opener as a “curiosity hook” simply to get the Perfect 10 and her friends engaged in conversation with you.
You'll find yourself holding the group's attention - at least for a moment.
That moment is really all you need. As long as you continue building your social value with her and her group of friends through interesting and funny stories, playful routines, cocky jib-jab, conversational hooks, touch, strong nonverbal cues, and so on, you’ll generally continue to hold the group.
Remember, your social value rests in how she sees you interacting with other beautiful woman, even more so than what you do with her.
That's why it's so important to engage her AND her friends.
Within some minutes your value will increase from a 6, to a 7, and to an 8, climbing higher and higher as long as you come across as a cool guy who can engage them.
It also takes the pressure off of your fragile ego because you’re not laying your body and soul out there in front of girls for them to reject or accept.
After all, all you’re doing is getting their opinion!
THEN, and only AFTER you’ve built value up for yourself with her and her friends and only AFTER she’s given you “green light” signals (heavy eye contact, touches, facing toward you, laughing with you, complimenting you) do you become "direct" with her.
You only show direct interest in her AFTER she’s shown direct interest in you.
Following that formula YOU CAN NEVER BE REJECTED.
Imagine this. You casually open a group of beautiful women with an interesting opinion opener that teases their curiosity and hooks them in.
You build value to all the girls in the group by leading and controlling the girls through your stories, body language, games, and so on.
The hot girl of the group starts to give you green lights of attraction while you generally ignore her.
But now that you have social value, now that you're a 9 or a 10 like she is, when you express direct interest in her, she’s responsive and excited to your advances.
AND her friends won’t try to stop you or give her silent messages of disapproval with their eyes because they like you just as much as she does.
You are now a 9 or 10 engaging a 9 or a 10.
And 9s and 10s sleep with other 9s and 10s.
Here's another clever trick.
Remember that direct openers will only work with girls who have the same social value as you do.
If Brad Pitt walks into the room, ALL the girls will stare at him because of his fame and looks and he’ll automatically have maximum social proof. He will automatically have the social status of a 10.
He could just walk up to the most beautiful woman in the room, who would normally shoot down any other guy, and start making out with her in front of everyone without having to say a word to her - the most direct kind of approach there is!
Does that mean you should listen to Brad Pitt if he gave you advice to always be super-direct with women? Obviously not.
Because what will work for him will not work for you.
However, you too can initiate direct make-outs and direct openers on Perfect 10s if you build enough social value in front of them.
Let’s say that through indirect or opinion openers, you talk to three or four groups of attractive 8s and 9s in the club, making them laugh and touch you. All the while, you do it in front of the Perfect 10.
Pretty soon you’ll look like the celebrity Mac-Daddy with all of these girls around you.
At a certain point, once you've raised your social value to that of a 10 through social proof with other girls, you’ll be able to lay a "Brad Pitt direct opener" on the Perfect 10 – just walk up to her and kiss her or directly tell her what you think of her.
She’ll respond extremely positively and want to be with you. After all, as a 10, you're the prize of the club.
So direct or indirect is not an “either or” choice.
If you’re lower in social value than the girl you want, use indirect openers as a way to get “in” and to build your social value up to her level.
Once your social-sexual value is the same as hers, in HER eyes, then go you can go direct.
Now notice how your success with extremely beautiful women largely depends on manipulating and harnessing the power of group psychology and how women look for approval from one another in selecting mates.
Of course, I can tell you all of this but you’re might be thinking to yourself – thanks Derek, but that sounds easier said than done!
Actually, it IS quite easy. Openers and groups might feel new and different to you, maybe even a little scary. But like everything else, with a little practice you get better and more comfortable with it.
The Seduction Science System expands further on the dynamics of what to get girls in clubs and how to attract the truly beautiful women you really want - not just the average ones. Seduction Science also helps you to get into the right state of mind to BE that guy who builds his social value to attract truly beautiful women.
And for more about opinion openers and direct approach techniques, I highly recommend you take a look at the Opening Magic course too.
Don’t ask yourself the question if you’re ready to start having beautiful women in your life. You ARE ready. Make the commitment right now and don’t look back for one moment.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
Direct is where you make your sexual interest known to the girl upfront, right away. For example, in a direct approach you might walk up to a woman and look right into her eyes and tell her how sexy she is.
Indirect is where you talk or interact with the girl, but keep your sexual interest disguised, at least initially. In an indirect approach, you might ask a woman her opinion on something to open her.
I’m going to give you the answer to what's better, to be direct or to be indirect. But the answer is not as cut-and-dry as to say direct OR indirect. Let me explain.
Let’s say you’re an average or below-average looking guy and you walk alone into a club. Across the room, you see this gorgeous woman who could sleep with any guy she wanted. In fact, all the other guys look at her hoping she’ll make eye contact with them. She’s a Perfect 10.
What if you made a DIRECT approach on this Perfect 10?
What if, as an average looking guy, and with no social proof from other girls, you walked up to her. You tell her what a nice energy she has. Or you take her hands and without saying a word start massaging them. Or you tell her a clichéd pick-up line like, “So, is it hot in here or is it just you?” in a playful way.
Even if your delivery is smooth, you have to remember something very important:
When you walk into a club, your social status is a 6.
HER social status is a 10.
A 10 will not sleep with a 6.
Sorry, I hate to say that, but it's true.
When you directly approach a Perfect 10 and immediately begin displaying interest in her, you have to keep in mind that she knows nothing about you.
You might as well be any other random guy in the club, who all want to sleep with her - and there’s not enough of her to go around. She has unlimited choice. Why would she want to sleep with you over anyone else?
In such a case, you might get a smile and a thank you for a compliment, but the direct approach alone does little to increase your social value to her.
Of course a direct approach CAN work... under different circumstances.
Let’s say that you’re incredibly good looking and well-dressed – better looking and well-dressed than 99% of the other guys in the club. You’re good looking enough that other women look at you to admire your chiseled features and rock-hard body.
When you directly approach a woman, right away she can visually SEE how great-looking you are. She’s NOTICED that other women look at you, giving you implicit social proof from the other women. Add to that you come in with very strong body language like strong eye contact, a solid smile, relaxed shoulders, and a sexy swagger.
In this case, you’re social status is more like a 9 than a 6.
Direct approaches on super-beautiful women may work for you then, because even before you’ve opened your mouth she’s already decided you have as much value as she does. The two of you have equal value.
In such a circumstance, you could tell the beautiful woman ANYTHING using ANY kind of approach and you’ll still be successful.
When else will direct approaches work?
Let’s say you’re an average-looking guy and you’re social value is an average 6 when you walk into the club. You’re normal in other words. You spot a girl who is not outright ugly, but not a head turner either - maybe a 6 or a 7 out of 10.
You walk up to her and do a direct approach. She’s surprised that any guy would be so direct with her or pay her that kind of attention.
In this case, a direct approach can work because you’re approaching a girl with the same social status as you. A 6 or a 7 will sleep with a 6 in other words.
You might even land an 8 once in a while with direct approaches if you’re nonverbal skills are good and if you play the numbers.
And guess what. There’s nothing wrong with direct approaches. If you like 6s, 7s, and occassional 8s that is. Or if you like big women for instance that most men normally pass over. You can get laid a lot this way.
But what if you’re one of the millions of guys with average looks but wants to get with really HOT women, the 9s and the Perfect 10s?
Direct approaches won’t work on 9s and 10s.
9s and 10s have too much social value to respond to an average guy who has otherwise demonstrated little or no value to them.
When you a compliment or do a direct opener on a 10, she knows she already has won you. They may smile and say thank you to a compliment, but otherwise they’ll attempt to ignore you or blow you out of the conversation. Game over.
Even if the Perfect 10 is intrigued with your direct style, it only takes the social pressure of a disapproving look from one of her girl friends to make her reject you.
For 9s and 10s you can’t openly reveal your sexual interest in them until you’ve increased your own value in their and their friend’s eyes – until you’ve become a 9 or a 10 yourself.
That’s why indirect openers, like casually asking their opinion about something, work.
By initiating the conversation in a casual way by asking the woman’s opinion, her defenses won’t go up.
You separate yourself from all the other guys who only talk to her for sex and start with how they want her.
You’ve bought yourself some time to start demonstrating value in front of her without having to deal with being ignored, back turned, or being blown out of the conversation by her or her friends.
You should look at the opinion opener as a “curiosity hook” simply to get the Perfect 10 and her friends engaged in conversation with you.
You'll find yourself holding the group's attention - at least for a moment.
That moment is really all you need. As long as you continue building your social value with her and her group of friends through interesting and funny stories, playful routines, cocky jib-jab, conversational hooks, touch, strong nonverbal cues, and so on, you’ll generally continue to hold the group.
Remember, your social value rests in how she sees you interacting with other beautiful woman, even more so than what you do with her.
That's why it's so important to engage her AND her friends.
Within some minutes your value will increase from a 6, to a 7, and to an 8, climbing higher and higher as long as you come across as a cool guy who can engage them.
It also takes the pressure off of your fragile ego because you’re not laying your body and soul out there in front of girls for them to reject or accept.
After all, all you’re doing is getting their opinion!
THEN, and only AFTER you’ve built value up for yourself with her and her friends and only AFTER she’s given you “green light” signals (heavy eye contact, touches, facing toward you, laughing with you, complimenting you) do you become "direct" with her.
You only show direct interest in her AFTER she’s shown direct interest in you.
Following that formula YOU CAN NEVER BE REJECTED.
Imagine this. You casually open a group of beautiful women with an interesting opinion opener that teases their curiosity and hooks them in.
You build value to all the girls in the group by leading and controlling the girls through your stories, body language, games, and so on.
The hot girl of the group starts to give you green lights of attraction while you generally ignore her.
But now that you have social value, now that you're a 9 or a 10 like she is, when you express direct interest in her, she’s responsive and excited to your advances.
AND her friends won’t try to stop you or give her silent messages of disapproval with their eyes because they like you just as much as she does.
You are now a 9 or 10 engaging a 9 or a 10.
And 9s and 10s sleep with other 9s and 10s.
Here's another clever trick.
Remember that direct openers will only work with girls who have the same social value as you do.
If Brad Pitt walks into the room, ALL the girls will stare at him because of his fame and looks and he’ll automatically have maximum social proof. He will automatically have the social status of a 10.
He could just walk up to the most beautiful woman in the room, who would normally shoot down any other guy, and start making out with her in front of everyone without having to say a word to her - the most direct kind of approach there is!
Does that mean you should listen to Brad Pitt if he gave you advice to always be super-direct with women? Obviously not.
Because what will work for him will not work for you.
However, you too can initiate direct make-outs and direct openers on Perfect 10s if you build enough social value in front of them.
Let’s say that through indirect or opinion openers, you talk to three or four groups of attractive 8s and 9s in the club, making them laugh and touch you. All the while, you do it in front of the Perfect 10.
Pretty soon you’ll look like the celebrity Mac-Daddy with all of these girls around you.
At a certain point, once you've raised your social value to that of a 10 through social proof with other girls, you’ll be able to lay a "Brad Pitt direct opener" on the Perfect 10 – just walk up to her and kiss her or directly tell her what you think of her.
She’ll respond extremely positively and want to be with you. After all, as a 10, you're the prize of the club.
So direct or indirect is not an “either or” choice.
If you’re lower in social value than the girl you want, use indirect openers as a way to get “in” and to build your social value up to her level.
Once your social-sexual value is the same as hers, in HER eyes, then go you can go direct.
Now notice how your success with extremely beautiful women largely depends on manipulating and harnessing the power of group psychology and how women look for approval from one another in selecting mates.
Of course, I can tell you all of this but you’re might be thinking to yourself – thanks Derek, but that sounds easier said than done!
Actually, it IS quite easy. Openers and groups might feel new and different to you, maybe even a little scary. But like everything else, with a little practice you get better and more comfortable with it.
The Seduction Science System expands further on the dynamics of what to get girls in clubs and how to attract the truly beautiful women you really want - not just the average ones. Seduction Science also helps you to get into the right state of mind to BE that guy who builds his social value to attract truly beautiful women.
And for more about opinion openers and direct approach techniques, I highly recommend you take a look at the Opening Magic course too.
Don’t ask yourself the question if you’re ready to start having beautiful women in your life. You ARE ready. Make the commitment right now and don’t look back for one moment.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
It’s not “so many”. ALL men, at least at first, are afraid to go after the women they want. And that fear never goes away 100%.
It’s perfectly natural to have this fear. That’s what most guys don’t understand. They’re afraid, they have hesitation, and they think that something’s wrong with them. But really they’re having a normal response.
That fear of going up to women is built into our genetics. When we humans lived in hunter gatherer bands of 30 to 50 people, to go up to a woman and getting “rejected” could literally mean genetic death. If she turned you down, the 3 or 4 other fertile females in the tribe would probably find out and your social value would be lowered. A single “rejection” could significantly diminish your chances of mating and passing on your genes. So men who approached the women they wanted directly tended not to reproduce. Only the men with a fear of approaching survived. It was literally a matter of LIFE AND DEATH.
Of course, that’s not the case anymore. It’s completely counterproductive to have that fear of approaching women today. Rather than 3 or 4 fertile females, there are millions. And even if one turns you down, the other 999,999 women won’t find out about it.
Consequently, the most successful genetic strategy of 200 years ago and before is now suddenly the LEAST successful strategy. Yet the programming of our human brains hasn’t had a chance to adapt to the new conditions.
I explain the process in more detail in my books and how to get over that natural and perfectly normal fear.
We live in a capitalist society. Owners of business – capitalists – make profits by selling products. They make money by selling us THINGS (commodities) on the capitalist market. And they often use sex to sell their products.
Consequently, men are bombarded with advertising messages of things they need to BUY to win the girl. You need to BUY a hot car to impress a girl. You need to BUY expensive clothes. You need to BUY Big Red breath gum. You need to BUY and be seen with the right kind of beer. You need to BUY her restaurant food, movie tickets, and Hallmark cards to impress her.
These are all messages constantly put forth by capitalists on the capitalist market to make money. And they’re very successful at it. Given that it’s all around us, it becomes an all-encompassing ideology that we never even think to question. It would never occur to us that NONE OF THIS IS TRUE, no more than it would occur to a Medieval peasant that the Earth isn’t flat.
There is also an interesting evolutionary theory out there – that every man wants to have sex and spread his genes with as many women as possible - and yet stop all of the OTHER competing males from doing so.
You can see this behavior all throughout society. For example, religious fundamentalist males often teach that sex is a bad thing that we shouldn’t engage in. They teach that men should be and act asexual around women. And women should be "pure" and "virginal" and not show outward interest in sex. It’s taboo to teach men how to behave around women in a way that attracts women.
Yet there’s a large body of evidence that shows that religious fundamentalist males cheat on their partners just as much as non-religious males. In other words, they teach men not to be promiscuous and yet in practice are promiscuous themselves.
As you can see, these different ideological forces, often contradictory with one another, hit us from all angles and form our consciousness. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that most guys are pretty clueless as a result.
However, while these ideological forces affect us on a very deep level, they don't enslave us; with time, you can unlearn them and adopt a new set of beliefs that better matches reality and will actually deliver concrete results. That's why I wrote Seduction Science, to cut through all of these ideological forces and expose the underlying reality of what really works in attracting women.
When I was younger I had almost no skills with women. I didn’t know how to act around them or what to do. Even when I found out that women were interested in me, I didn’t know how to take advantage of the situation. Consequently, I missed out on a lot of opportunities.
I learned in chemistry class that the more you knew about the details of reality, the more “magic” you could do. For example, you could build firecrackers – something that would look like magic to a caveman – if you understood the elements on the periodic table and how they joined to form compounds. In fact, if you knew enough about molecular reality, you could build all sorts of useful things – like plastics, steel, synthetic rubber, and so on.
However, when it came to women it was apparent to me that I did NOT have a clear grasp on reality. My understanding of women and the dating game wasn’t like having the periodic table in front of me – it was more like thinking that the four elements were wind, earth, fire and ether. I way applying Medieval-level technology to social situations and dating. It was really terrible.
I decided to take a long, deep look at myself and eventually became determined to improve myself in this area. Eventually, my efforts paid off.
People are at different stages in their lives. If you’re young and inexperienced, having a few short-term girlfriends can be exactly what you need. Some guys need to experiment with different kinds of women and find out what kind of woman is right for them.
At another point in your life you may meet “The One”, that girl who you feel is right for you. And you know she’s right for you, because you can make an accurate, educated decision based on your past experiences.
In that case, you may want to pour your energy into nurturing a relationship with one woman.
And sometimes what starts out as a short-term relationship grows into a long-term relationship.
So the two goals are fluid and reflect one another – it’s not an either-or situation. And one is not “healthier” than the other by nature. It all depends on where you are on life's path.
There is one caveat – if you meet a girl who is going to make you happy and all your senses tell you to have a long-term relationship with her – and you give that up simply to “prove” to others or yourself that you can seduce girls – then you’re shortchanging yourself.
Seduction should be about finding YOUR happiness, not about getting an ego boost from your friends or simply to prove something to yourself over and over again. Seduction just for the sake of seduction for purely ego reasons without a wider goal can become unhealthy.
The biggest trap men fall into is not being clear as to what they want. They end up settling for the first woman that “fall into their lap” and their relationship is one of convenience.
Of course, most men settle for the same with their work life, where they’ll spend one third of their life. They don’t know what they want to do and settle for the first job that comes their way. They settle into a routine that feels comfortable simply because it feels familiar. They don’t take risks because of fear of the unknown and for lacking clear goals.
Sadly, most men never reach their life’s full potential in either area. They *settle* for their unhappiness.
Of course, any guy can change that RIGHT NOW. They have to decide to identify what they really want from a relationship or multiple relationships, and turn their life upside down if necessary to achieve that goal.
SOON YOU’LL BE DEAD and it will all be over. Don’t settle for anything less than what you want to achieve.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
It’s not “so many”. ALL men, at least at first, are afraid to go after the women they want. And that fear never goes away 100%.
It’s perfectly natural to have this fear. That’s what most guys don’t understand. They’re afraid, they have hesitation, and they think that something’s wrong with them. But really they’re having a normal response.
That fear of going up to women is built into our genetics. When we humans lived in hunter gatherer bands of 30 to 50 people, to go up to a woman and getting “rejected” could literally mean genetic death. If she turned you down, the 3 or 4 other fertile females in the tribe would probably find out and your social value would be lowered. A single “rejection” could significantly diminish your chances of mating and passing on your genes. So men who approached the women they wanted directly tended not to reproduce. Only the men with a fear of approaching survived. It was literally a matter of LIFE AND DEATH.
Of course, that’s not the case anymore. It’s completely counterproductive to have that fear of approaching women today. Rather than 3 or 4 fertile females, there are millions. And even if one turns you down, the other 999,999 women won’t find out about it.
Consequently, the most successful genetic strategy of 200 years ago and before is now suddenly the LEAST successful strategy. Yet the programming of our human brains hasn’t had a chance to adapt to the new conditions.
I explain the process in more detail in my books and how to get over that natural and perfectly normal fear.
We live in a capitalist society. Owners of business – capitalists – make profits by selling products. They make money by selling us THINGS (commodities) on the capitalist market. And they often use sex to sell their products.
Consequently, men are bombarded with advertising messages of things they need to BUY to win the girl. You need to BUY a hot car to impress a girl. You need to BUY expensive clothes. You need to BUY Big Red breath gum. You need to BUY and be seen with the right kind of beer. You need to BUY her restaurant food, movie tickets, and Hallmark cards to impress her.
These are all messages constantly put forth by capitalists on the capitalist market to make money. And they’re very successful at it. Given that it’s all around us, it becomes an all-encompassing ideology that we never even think to question. It would never occur to us that NONE OF THIS IS TRUE, no more than it would occur to a Medieval peasant that the Earth isn’t flat.
There is also an interesting evolutionary theory out there – that every man wants to have sex and spread his genes with as many women as possible - and yet stop all of the OTHER competing males from doing so.
You can see this behavior all throughout society. For example, religious fundamentalist males often teach that sex is a bad thing that we shouldn’t engage in. They teach that men should be and act asexual around women. And women should be "pure" and "virginal" and not show outward interest in sex. It’s taboo to teach men how to behave around women in a way that attracts women.
Yet there’s a large body of evidence that shows that religious fundamentalist males cheat on their partners just as much as non-religious males. In other words, they teach men not to be promiscuous and yet in practice are promiscuous themselves.
As you can see, these different ideological forces, often contradictory with one another, hit us from all angles and form our consciousness. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that most guys are pretty clueless as a result.
However, while these ideological forces affect us on a very deep level, they don't enslave us; with time, you can unlearn them and adopt a new set of beliefs that better matches reality and will actually deliver concrete results. That's why I wrote Seduction Science, to cut through all of these ideological forces and expose the underlying reality of what really works in attracting women.
When I was younger I had almost no skills with women. I didn’t know how to act around them or what to do. Even when I found out that women were interested in me, I didn’t know how to take advantage of the situation. Consequently, I missed out on a lot of opportunities.
I learned in chemistry class that the more you knew about the details of reality, the more “magic” you could do. For example, you could build firecrackers – something that would look like magic to a caveman – if you understood the elements on the periodic table and how they joined to form compounds. In fact, if you knew enough about molecular reality, you could build all sorts of useful things – like plastics, steel, synthetic rubber, and so on.
However, when it came to women it was apparent to me that I did NOT have a clear grasp on reality. My understanding of women and the dating game wasn’t like having the periodic table in front of me – it was more like thinking that the four elements were wind, earth, fire and ether. I way applying Medieval-level technology to social situations and dating. It was really terrible.
I decided to take a long, deep look at myself and eventually became determined to improve myself in this area. Eventually, my efforts paid off.
People are at different stages in their lives. If you’re young and inexperienced, having a few short-term girlfriends can be exactly what you need. Some guys need to experiment with different kinds of women and find out what kind of woman is right for them.
At another point in your life you may meet “The One”, that girl who you feel is right for you. And you know she’s right for you, because you can make an accurate, educated decision based on your past experiences.
In that case, you may want to pour your energy into nurturing a relationship with one woman.
And sometimes what starts out as a short-term relationship grows into a long-term relationship.
So the two goals are fluid and reflect one another – it’s not an either-or situation. And one is not “healthier” than the other by nature. It all depends on where you are on life's path.
There is one caveat – if you meet a girl who is going to make you happy and all your senses tell you to have a long-term relationship with her – and you give that up simply to “prove” to others or yourself that you can seduce girls – then you’re shortchanging yourself.
Seduction should be about finding YOUR happiness, not about getting an ego boost from your friends or simply to prove something to yourself over and over again. Seduction just for the sake of seduction for purely ego reasons without a wider goal can become unhealthy.
The biggest trap men fall into is not being clear as to what they want. They end up settling for the first woman that “fall into their lap” and their relationship is one of convenience.
Of course, most men settle for the same with their work life, where they’ll spend one third of their life. They don’t know what they want to do and settle for the first job that comes their way. They settle into a routine that feels comfortable simply because it feels familiar. They don’t take risks because of fear of the unknown and for lacking clear goals.
Sadly, most men never reach their life’s full potential in either area. They *settle* for their unhappiness.
Of course, any guy can change that RIGHT NOW. They have to decide to identify what they really want from a relationship or multiple relationships, and turn their life upside down if necessary to achieve that goal.
SOON YOU’LL BE DEAD and it will all be over. Don’t settle for anything less than what you want to achieve.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
Derek, I purchased the Seduction Science System and I have to say that it has definitely given me more confidence in myself, which in turn has allowed me to be much more open and, well, manly, with women. I'm a photography student at an art school, and there are plenty of really hot (liberal!) girls who go to school with me.
There's this girl named Beatrice who I know. Thing is, she has posed nude for me for photographs. In fact, she just last week came over - to my house! - because the photo studio was booked that day. She was naked in my room, for Christ sake.
I was using only candlelight, and I even had Enigma playing on the speakers. In ANY other circumstance it would have been hot and sexy. And it was, for me. I was planning on asking her to model for me again, and do it again at my house. I would totally like to seduce this girl.
Derek, what would you recommend I do? Any advice you could give me would be totally and greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
Tom, the only reason you didn’t have this girl with her back to the bed and her legs spread eagle-style in the air is because you left out one small but critical step in the seduction process.
In fact, you’ve inadvertently stumbled upon a seduction routine that I like to use. It’s the Sexy Photo Posing routine and it’s great for turning a friend into a lover or getting your date stripped and naked.
ANY guy can do this routine - all you need is a digital camera.
When you’re with a girl, whip it out from your pocket… your digital camera that is! What you’re about to do is some playful role-playing whereas you play the photographer and she plays the model.
First, tell the girl you want to get your picture with you and her together. Put your arm around her, hold the camera out in front of you with your arm extended and take a picture of the two of you. Show her the photo on the LCD screen – a close up of both of your faces.
Tease her that it’s a funny-looking photo of her. “Oh my god… no, this no good… your face is REALLY big. No, that’s no good.”
Tell her that you want to get a sexier photo of her this time. This time, take a snapshot of just her. Most likely she’ll also want to redeem herself from the previous photo, which you playfully made fun of. But be casual and playful to head off any resistance.
Look at that second, “sexier” photo on the LCD screen, and say like “nahh….” in a disapproving way. Tell her to pose something more sexy.
At this point, she’ll try to win your approval by posing a little bit sexier. Tell her like a photographer, “Marvelous! Marvelous! Stunning!” while you snap off a few shots.
Back off and look at her with the pondering eye of an artist. You want to convey through your body language that you’re thinking of how to pose and position her… put your fist to your chin for a moment like a deep thinker.
Go up to her and USE YOUR HANDS to place her into position. Hold your thumbs and forefingers up to make a square box with your fingers, like an artist framing a picture. Tell her to “Stand like this” and to “Put your legs like that.”
MOVE her into position now, TOUCH her. Move all of her limbs and hips and into place. Remember, you are the artist and you are turning her into a work of art.
When you have her in a position you like, say “Ah-hah! Perfect!” Then snap off some more shots with her in the pose that YOU directed. Tell her, “Oh yes, YES… you’re so sexy… yes, like that… perfect! Wow that’s sexy, darling. Marvelous!”
Say all this in a playful, detached way in the “character” of a gayish or colorful photographer. That way it’s not technically the “real you” telling her she’s sexy, but the role you’re playing that’s telling her she’s sexy. And be sure to keep your “professional distance” as you basically grope her right on the spot.
By getting your hands on her, TOUCHING HER, moving her into various positions, by taking the LEAD and COMMANDING HER and by MAKING HER BEAUITFUL, she will become hot for you, if not downright wet right there and then.
Ever been to a gym and watch a gym instructor put his hands all over the girl unnecessarily as he shows her how to use the exercise machines – and how her body is put into a sexually-charged overdrive as he does it? What you’ll be doing with the Sexy Photo Posing routine is quite similar – except with a little artistic flair.
If you’re with a group of girls, you can do the Sexy Photo Posing routine to any one of them while the others watch. Just watch how it makes ALL of the other girls jealous and you become Mr. Popular on the spot.
If you’re out in public with the girl you want to seduce, that may be as far as you can bring the routine.
However, if you’re alone with her in say, a bedroom, the routine doesn’t have to end there.
Keep telling her how sexy she is as you pose her.
Pass your hands over her breasts as you move her. Don’t grab her breasts as that will trigger an automatic defense response from her. Simply brush over them with your palms in passing.
Move her legs into position by pressing on the inside of her thighs, another hot spot.
Notice how her breathing and response systems react. You can usually tell at this point if she’s getting at least a bit horny. If she’s getting hot, simply say, “Would you like to kiss me now.” Don’t ask it, just say it. If she doesn’t respond or says anything but “No”, then kiss her.
If she’s still into the casual, playful role-playing mode then continue to be playful. It’s up to you to read her physiological signs and act accordingly.
Keep in mind, the Sexy Photo Posing routine progresses as a series of ESCALATING steps. You start out innocently enough – as just taking a goofy photo of her - and progress to posing, to posing with your direction, to touching, to petting and kissing, and finally to sex (assuming you have her in a private location).
If at any point she resists, simply back off a little – it means you’re going too fast for her. Back off, and then continue the same path of escalation as before.
In the case of Tom, he failed to make an easy seduction off a NAKED girl in his room WHO ALREADY LIKED HIM because he didn’t physically take charge and touch her into place.
Get it?
As for cameras, forget about film-based cameras, because they don’t have a LCD screen, which is an important component of the routine. With a digital you don’t have to pay for film either and can simply delete the pictures from memory free of charge after you’re done the routine.
At least for seduction purposes, you don’t need a fancy digital camera – but you do need a small one. Look for one that’s about the size of a deck of cards and can fit in your back pocket comfortably. That way you can jump right into the routine no matter where you are because you keep the camera discreetly in your pocket.
Another great routine that involves touching and which is even more versatile is palm reading.
Although there are a few palm reading books out there, they’re full of extraneous information that’s not necessary for seduction. And they don’t show you how to spin off to other topics and how to escalate from the palm reading.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
There's this girl named Beatrice who I know. Thing is, she has posed nude for me for photographs. In fact, she just last week came over - to my house! - because the photo studio was booked that day. She was naked in my room, for Christ sake.
I was using only candlelight, and I even had Enigma playing on the speakers. In ANY other circumstance it would have been hot and sexy. And it was, for me. I was planning on asking her to model for me again, and do it again at my house. I would totally like to seduce this girl.
Derek, what would you recommend I do? Any advice you could give me would be totally and greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
Tom, the only reason you didn’t have this girl with her back to the bed and her legs spread eagle-style in the air is because you left out one small but critical step in the seduction process.
In fact, you’ve inadvertently stumbled upon a seduction routine that I like to use. It’s the Sexy Photo Posing routine and it’s great for turning a friend into a lover or getting your date stripped and naked.
ANY guy can do this routine - all you need is a digital camera.
When you’re with a girl, whip it out from your pocket… your digital camera that is! What you’re about to do is some playful role-playing whereas you play the photographer and she plays the model.
First, tell the girl you want to get your picture with you and her together. Put your arm around her, hold the camera out in front of you with your arm extended and take a picture of the two of you. Show her the photo on the LCD screen – a close up of both of your faces.
Tease her that it’s a funny-looking photo of her. “Oh my god… no, this no good… your face is REALLY big. No, that’s no good.”
Tell her that you want to get a sexier photo of her this time. This time, take a snapshot of just her. Most likely she’ll also want to redeem herself from the previous photo, which you playfully made fun of. But be casual and playful to head off any resistance.
Look at that second, “sexier” photo on the LCD screen, and say like “nahh….” in a disapproving way. Tell her to pose something more sexy.
At this point, she’ll try to win your approval by posing a little bit sexier. Tell her like a photographer, “Marvelous! Marvelous! Stunning!” while you snap off a few shots.
Back off and look at her with the pondering eye of an artist. You want to convey through your body language that you’re thinking of how to pose and position her… put your fist to your chin for a moment like a deep thinker.
Go up to her and USE YOUR HANDS to place her into position. Hold your thumbs and forefingers up to make a square box with your fingers, like an artist framing a picture. Tell her to “Stand like this” and to “Put your legs like that.”
MOVE her into position now, TOUCH her. Move all of her limbs and hips and into place. Remember, you are the artist and you are turning her into a work of art.
When you have her in a position you like, say “Ah-hah! Perfect!” Then snap off some more shots with her in the pose that YOU directed. Tell her, “Oh yes, YES… you’re so sexy… yes, like that… perfect! Wow that’s sexy, darling. Marvelous!”
Say all this in a playful, detached way in the “character” of a gayish or colorful photographer. That way it’s not technically the “real you” telling her she’s sexy, but the role you’re playing that’s telling her she’s sexy. And be sure to keep your “professional distance” as you basically grope her right on the spot.
By getting your hands on her, TOUCHING HER, moving her into various positions, by taking the LEAD and COMMANDING HER and by MAKING HER BEAUITFUL, she will become hot for you, if not downright wet right there and then.
Ever been to a gym and watch a gym instructor put his hands all over the girl unnecessarily as he shows her how to use the exercise machines – and how her body is put into a sexually-charged overdrive as he does it? What you’ll be doing with the Sexy Photo Posing routine is quite similar – except with a little artistic flair.
If you’re with a group of girls, you can do the Sexy Photo Posing routine to any one of them while the others watch. Just watch how it makes ALL of the other girls jealous and you become Mr. Popular on the spot.
If you’re out in public with the girl you want to seduce, that may be as far as you can bring the routine.
However, if you’re alone with her in say, a bedroom, the routine doesn’t have to end there.
Keep telling her how sexy she is as you pose her.
Pass your hands over her breasts as you move her. Don’t grab her breasts as that will trigger an automatic defense response from her. Simply brush over them with your palms in passing.
Move her legs into position by pressing on the inside of her thighs, another hot spot.
Notice how her breathing and response systems react. You can usually tell at this point if she’s getting at least a bit horny. If she’s getting hot, simply say, “Would you like to kiss me now.” Don’t ask it, just say it. If she doesn’t respond or says anything but “No”, then kiss her.
If she’s still into the casual, playful role-playing mode then continue to be playful. It’s up to you to read her physiological signs and act accordingly.
Keep in mind, the Sexy Photo Posing routine progresses as a series of ESCALATING steps. You start out innocently enough – as just taking a goofy photo of her - and progress to posing, to posing with your direction, to touching, to petting and kissing, and finally to sex (assuming you have her in a private location).
If at any point she resists, simply back off a little – it means you’re going too fast for her. Back off, and then continue the same path of escalation as before.
In the case of Tom, he failed to make an easy seduction off a NAKED girl in his room WHO ALREADY LIKED HIM because he didn’t physically take charge and touch her into place.
Get it?
As for cameras, forget about film-based cameras, because they don’t have a LCD screen, which is an important component of the routine. With a digital you don’t have to pay for film either and can simply delete the pictures from memory free of charge after you’re done the routine.
At least for seduction purposes, you don’t need a fancy digital camera – but you do need a small one. Look for one that’s about the size of a deck of cards and can fit in your back pocket comfortably. That way you can jump right into the routine no matter where you are because you keep the camera discreetly in your pocket.
Another great routine that involves touching and which is even more versatile is palm reading.
Although there are a few palm reading books out there, they’re full of extraneous information that’s not necessary for seduction. And they don’t show you how to spin off to other topics and how to escalate from the palm reading.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
A lot of guys think that they have to buy their way to a woman’s heart – or at least have enough money, looks, cars, skills in whatever, and so on to win a woman's affections.
Usually they have the following ideas in their head:
“I need to have a lot of money to have beautiful women.”
“I need to have a new car to have beautiful women.”
“I need to have this or that skill to have beautiful women.”
“I need to have thick arms and a model’s face to have beautiful women.”
“I need to be the most interesting conversationalist on the planet to have beautiful women.”
“I need to have more of a life to have beautiful women.”
So it’s no surprise that when a man with these ideas in his head actually has a date with a beautiful woman, he’s insecure – because he doesn’t live up to his idealized image of what he should be.
So he compensates by attempting to buy a woman’s attention – with candies, cards, flowers, presents, and fine dining.
Of course, on the inside he’s nervous as hell – nervous on an unconscious level that he’s a fake and a fraud, not truly living up to his idealized image of what he should be – and nervous that the woman, despite his best efforts, will accept his gifts but reject HIM.
So he acts conservative about what he says and does so as to please the woman and not risk in any way offending her...
...leading him to act stiff and wooden with sweaty palms and wet armpits...
...making him even more nervous and uncomfortable – which the girl can sense through subtle body language and voice signals...
...making HER feel nervous and uncomfortable as well.
It’s a date that’s sure to end in a vicious downward spiral of flaming disaster.
Believe me, a long time ago I was there too and it wasn’t fun. In fact, it’s sort of feels like walking in front of a speeding bus.
Now, some guys who rightfully avoid this “I’m a desperate super-nice guy, I-have-to-kiss-her-ass-so-that-hopefully-she-likes-me” behavior make the mistake of overreacting and doing just the exact OPPOSITE.
They play the role of the COLD JERK.
Instead of being the kissy-assy nice guy, they act like the meanie.
Instead of playfully teasing a girl, they put her down about things she can’t change about herself and insult her.
They turn their backs on and ignore the girl to the point of rudeness.
They ignore what the girl has to say when she’s genuinely opening up to them.
They laughed AT the girl when she does something silly or stupid or makes an honest mistake.
Instead of calling her a “brat” in a teasing way, they call her “stupid” or a “slut” at seemingly random moments.
They flake out on a girl simply to “discipline her”, even when she’s already been showing the best behavior.
This kind of approach doesn’t work either, because it's cruel. Girls will just think you’re a dick, and rightly so. High quality girls won’t put up with it, at least not for long.
So while you don’t want to be a total kiss-ass, this does NOT mean you want to make the mistake of becoming a cold jerk either.
Here’s the key.
Yes that’s right. You want to be a gentleman in SMALL ways and do SMALL courtesies for her.
Like opening and closing the car’s passenger-side door for her to get in.
Or holding the door open for a woman and allowing her to walk through first.
Or allowing the woman to step off the elevator first before you do.
Or if she’s wearing a genuinely nice dress or an interesting accessory, to compliment her on it.
Or listening to her – genuinely listening to her - when she has something to say.
None of these small courtesies have anything to do with money. By being chivalrous, you are NOT attempting to buy her affections.
Instead, you’re showing her courtesies that she would expect ANY guy with a good heart to show ALL women, regardless of whom the woman was or her looks.
After all, wouldn’t you hold the door open for your grandmother? Or help her down the steps? Or genuinely listen to what a friend had to say?
Chivalrous behavior shows to a woman that you have a *side* of you that is of a refined gentleman. It’s your protective side - the side of you that would look after her if she got sick and be there to feed her chicken soup.
Chivalrous behavior demonstrates to a woman that you have SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE – that you act appropriately in different social situations.
For example, if she found herself at the Presidential Inaugural Ball with you, she would know you could hold your own with the suit-wearing elites and wouldn’t act like some foul-mouthed jackass.
If she introduced you to her parents she would know you wouldn’t slap her ass in front of her Dad or crack diarrhea jokes in front of her Mom.
Of course, being chivalrous in small ways doesn’t mean being careful and conservative about how you act around women. Chivalry doesn’t mean becoming a boring stiff who is always worried whether he’s acting in the right manner.
And chivalry doesn’t mean “Knightly Chivalry” where you ride in on a horse, recite poems, and sprinkle rose pedals around her feet like she’s Queen Guinevere.
Being chivalrous isn’t the same as being wishy-washy “nice”.
To illustrate: after helping her out of the car, you might be making funny faces and sticking your tongue out at her.
A few minutes after holding her hand down some steps you might start a tickling match with her.
After noticing her new dress, you might give her a playful slap on the ass.
The key is to be relaxed, playful and fun and punctuate it with chivalric behavior.
Surprise her by showing how much a gentlemen you can be at moments, and how much a gentleman you are to ALL women - including your friends, relatives, and even total strangers.
You may hit her by surprise in the back of the head with a pillow or call her a “dork” in a teasing kind of way, but you also help old ladies across the street.
Remember, you want her to think that you’re a GOOD guy with a GOOD heart, not a wet noodle of a “nice guy” who will do anything for her no matter how badly or rudely SHE acts. Small acts of courtesy will get you farther in this respect than any number of large gifts.
Now, dropping the personal insecurities that lead to the eternal damnation of nice guy hell while not overreacting and becoming a Neo-Nazi jerk puts you at a good starting point. But being a cool guy alone will not get you laid all by itself – at least not with the very hottest women and Perfects 10s.
The Seduction Science System is the result of years of my personal experience and research and I’ve put it all together in one easy to read package which you can have at your fingertips at this moment RIGHT NOW.
You’ll also get access to my all-new, members only VIP Lounge which is now full of a bunch of great guys.
Why the hell wait - let’s face it… SOON YOU'LL BE DEAD AND BURIED. You have only ONE chance on this Earth to make the most of it and one of the most satisfying things you can do for yourself is have a beautiful woman in your lap and in love with the REAL YOU.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
Usually they have the following ideas in their head:
“I need to have a lot of money to have beautiful women.”
“I need to have a new car to have beautiful women.”
“I need to have this or that skill to have beautiful women.”
“I need to have thick arms and a model’s face to have beautiful women.”
“I need to be the most interesting conversationalist on the planet to have beautiful women.”
“I need to have more of a life to have beautiful women.”
So it’s no surprise that when a man with these ideas in his head actually has a date with a beautiful woman, he’s insecure – because he doesn’t live up to his idealized image of what he should be.
So he compensates by attempting to buy a woman’s attention – with candies, cards, flowers, presents, and fine dining.
Of course, on the inside he’s nervous as hell – nervous on an unconscious level that he’s a fake and a fraud, not truly living up to his idealized image of what he should be – and nervous that the woman, despite his best efforts, will accept his gifts but reject HIM.
So he acts conservative about what he says and does so as to please the woman and not risk in any way offending her...
...leading him to act stiff and wooden with sweaty palms and wet armpits...
...making him even more nervous and uncomfortable – which the girl can sense through subtle body language and voice signals...
...making HER feel nervous and uncomfortable as well.
It’s a date that’s sure to end in a vicious downward spiral of flaming disaster.
Believe me, a long time ago I was there too and it wasn’t fun. In fact, it’s sort of feels like walking in front of a speeding bus.
Now, some guys who rightfully avoid this “I’m a desperate super-nice guy, I-have-to-kiss-her-ass-so-that-hopefully-she-likes-me” behavior make the mistake of overreacting and doing just the exact OPPOSITE.
They play the role of the COLD JERK.
Instead of being the kissy-assy nice guy, they act like the meanie.
Instead of playfully teasing a girl, they put her down about things she can’t change about herself and insult her.
They turn their backs on and ignore the girl to the point of rudeness.
They ignore what the girl has to say when she’s genuinely opening up to them.
They laughed AT the girl when she does something silly or stupid or makes an honest mistake.
Instead of calling her a “brat” in a teasing way, they call her “stupid” or a “slut” at seemingly random moments.
They flake out on a girl simply to “discipline her”, even when she’s already been showing the best behavior.
This kind of approach doesn’t work either, because it's cruel. Girls will just think you’re a dick, and rightly so. High quality girls won’t put up with it, at least not for long.
So while you don’t want to be a total kiss-ass, this does NOT mean you want to make the mistake of becoming a cold jerk either.
Here’s the key.
Yes that’s right. You want to be a gentleman in SMALL ways and do SMALL courtesies for her.
Like opening and closing the car’s passenger-side door for her to get in.
Or holding the door open for a woman and allowing her to walk through first.
Or allowing the woman to step off the elevator first before you do.
Or if she’s wearing a genuinely nice dress or an interesting accessory, to compliment her on it.
Or listening to her – genuinely listening to her - when she has something to say.
None of these small courtesies have anything to do with money. By being chivalrous, you are NOT attempting to buy her affections.
Instead, you’re showing her courtesies that she would expect ANY guy with a good heart to show ALL women, regardless of whom the woman was or her looks.
After all, wouldn’t you hold the door open for your grandmother? Or help her down the steps? Or genuinely listen to what a friend had to say?
Chivalrous behavior shows to a woman that you have a *side* of you that is of a refined gentleman. It’s your protective side - the side of you that would look after her if she got sick and be there to feed her chicken soup.
Chivalrous behavior demonstrates to a woman that you have SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE – that you act appropriately in different social situations.
For example, if she found herself at the Presidential Inaugural Ball with you, she would know you could hold your own with the suit-wearing elites and wouldn’t act like some foul-mouthed jackass.
If she introduced you to her parents she would know you wouldn’t slap her ass in front of her Dad or crack diarrhea jokes in front of her Mom.
Of course, being chivalrous in small ways doesn’t mean being careful and conservative about how you act around women. Chivalry doesn’t mean becoming a boring stiff who is always worried whether he’s acting in the right manner.
And chivalry doesn’t mean “Knightly Chivalry” where you ride in on a horse, recite poems, and sprinkle rose pedals around her feet like she’s Queen Guinevere.
Being chivalrous isn’t the same as being wishy-washy “nice”.
To illustrate: after helping her out of the car, you might be making funny faces and sticking your tongue out at her.
A few minutes after holding her hand down some steps you might start a tickling match with her.
After noticing her new dress, you might give her a playful slap on the ass.
The key is to be relaxed, playful and fun and punctuate it with chivalric behavior.
Surprise her by showing how much a gentlemen you can be at moments, and how much a gentleman you are to ALL women - including your friends, relatives, and even total strangers.
You may hit her by surprise in the back of the head with a pillow or call her a “dork” in a teasing kind of way, but you also help old ladies across the street.
Remember, you want her to think that you’re a GOOD guy with a GOOD heart, not a wet noodle of a “nice guy” who will do anything for her no matter how badly or rudely SHE acts. Small acts of courtesy will get you farther in this respect than any number of large gifts.
Now, dropping the personal insecurities that lead to the eternal damnation of nice guy hell while not overreacting and becoming a Neo-Nazi jerk puts you at a good starting point. But being a cool guy alone will not get you laid all by itself – at least not with the very hottest women and Perfects 10s.
The Seduction Science System is the result of years of my personal experience and research and I’ve put it all together in one easy to read package which you can have at your fingertips at this moment RIGHT NOW.
You’ll also get access to my all-new, members only VIP Lounge which is now full of a bunch of great guys.
Why the hell wait - let’s face it… SOON YOU'LL BE DEAD AND BURIED. You have only ONE chance on this Earth to make the most of it and one of the most satisfying things you can do for yourself is have a beautiful woman in your lap and in love with the REAL YOU.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
Mastering The Whole Club Thing
Derek, my question is how do you avoid the lone psycho look??? Recently, I went out to a club with my sister as an experiment, to see what it is that I may be doing wrong... she amazingly pointed out all the single men that where there alone, and on the hunt. The typical good old guys that hang out next to the dance floor and just watch the women, she called "hawkers row". Something to avoid, but she also stated that the men that where there alone without any other friends there, she called the lone psychos.
Is there a way for a guy to go to the bars or clubs by himself without falling into this category???
For most guys, meeting girls at clubs is difficult for them.
So they prefer to meet girls at bookstores, malls, coffee shops, and other daytime “low pressure” venues.
But meeting girls at clubs can actually be far EASIER than at daytime venues.
I know that can sound counterintuitive. After all, at a club you have to deal with loud music that can be difficult to talk over, distracting lights, competition from other guys, and girls with their “shields” up.
Worse still, if you go alone you don’t know anyone else while it looks like everyone else is having fun.
Even if you go with your friends they’re no help either because all they do is stand immobilized by hesitation with a beer at their chest – and know next to nothing about picking up girls.
Has the following ever happened to you?
You walk into the club, checking out how “good” it is.
You walk around the entire club to check it out. You don’t know anyone, and you don’t have anything to do, so you walk around again checking out all the girls.
You get bored. Perhaps you get a drink. You walk over to the dance floor and stare at it.
Of course, 50 other guys are also staring at the dance floor.
Like a master bed in the center of a master bedroom, the dance floor commands attention. It is very hypnotic.
You nurse your beer and eventually decide to walk around the club again.
Nothing happens so you decide that the club “sucks” and then you eventually leave to find a better place.
Of course, you do the very same thing at the very next place you visit.
I used to do this ALL the time. It sucked because it never got me anywhere.
The problem is, this kind of behavior is the exact OPPOSITE of what you want to do, because by wandering around you convey certain negative information to girls that shoots down your chances before you even make an approach.
When you circle around a club, women NOTICE that you’re alone. Most won’t label you a “lone psycho” but they’ve make a mental note that you’re alone – and therefore lack any social value.
Women give you social value by how hot the women and men you’re with are.
But most guys walk around the entire club multiple times alone, collecting NEGATIVE social value the entire time.
Think about it. When you FIRST walk into the club, the girls know NOTHING about you. You could be Justin Timberlake’s best friend for all they know.
This is your chance to shape their blank impression of you.
But what do most guys do?
They instantly go about setting a NEGATIVE impression of themselves – by walking around the room and staring at the dance floor. This is what ALL the guys who have no social value do.
So then, if and when you do approach a hot girl, she lacks interest in you because she’s already categorized you – thanks to YOUR actions.
Thus, most guys give up on clubs because they’re “too hard”.
But it’s not that clubs are “too hard”. It’s that you’re doing them all wrong.
Making clubs work for you is easy. In fact, meeting hot girls at clubs is EASIER than at other places. And you can make them work just as well as if you go with friends or if you go alone. You just have to know what to do.
Here are the steps I use with great success.
When you first walk into the club, SMILE. A lot of women watch the door to size up the guys coming in. Remember, as you walk in you’re social status is a BLANK SLATE and you want to be immediately shaping a good first impression.
As soon as you’re in, OPEN the first available set of girls or set of girls and guys. Don’t look for a lone girl, you won’t find her. You’ll want to open a set of two of girls or a guy and a girl which are much easier to find.
There. It immediately looks like you have friends. It doesn’t matter if the set goes particularly well – other women will notice that you’re with other girls.
They will immediately peg you with social value – because they have no idea that you’ve only just met these girls.
So as long as they see you talking with other girls, they will mentally note this and be more open to talking with you themselves. This is not a conscious process, just something that girls do automatically without thinking about it.
So you open your first set of girls RIGHT AWAY. The conversation doesn’t have to go well, all you’re doing is collecting social proof. If the first set begins to stall, just turn to the set of girls next to you and open them. They’ll be much more likely to talk with you because you’re already talking to some girls.
You can even join the sets by saying, “Hey ladies, my friends here were just talking about such-and-such… what’s your opinion on that?”
ALWAYS be talking to a set of girls. Jump from set to set. By the time you’ve worked yourself through 45 minutes of talking to girls, ALL the girls in the immediate vicinity will know that you have social value. They will read you as being social, attractive, and hot.
If you build up enough social value this way, you can just walk up to the hottest girl in the club and say, “Give me your number,” and she will give it to you.
Here are three guidelines you’ll want to follow:
First, avoid looking at the dance floor like the plague. The dance floor is naturally hypnotic and will naturally draw you in. DO NOT LOOK AT IT. There is nothing there. It is an illusion. Looking at the dance floor only generates NEGATIVE social proof for you.
Second, avoid walking around. You only look a like a valueless loner when you do this. Also, if you’ve built up any positive social proof in one corner of the club, you’ll lose it all if you move to another corner.
Third, avoid the noisiest areas of the club. Find the quietest area where it’s easiest to talk and plant yourself there. You don’t want to be yelling over ear-breaking noise and most clubs do have a quiet corner or two.
Also, it’s quite alright to go to clubs alone. Why? BECAUSE YOU WON’T BE ALONE FOR LONG. Within 5 to 10 minutes of being in the club you should be talking to someone.
Look at the whole club scene as one of collecting social proof points. In this particular moment, are you talking to a set of girls and collecting points? Or are you staring at the dance floor alone, losing points?
Remember, you walk in with zero social proof points, with a clean slate. Everything you do will either up your status or lower it. Everything you do signals women to categorize you as a “loner” or as a “sexy guy”.
“How am I improving my social proof?” should be the question always on your mind at the club. If you keep that in mind, you’ll go far.
Now the question is, HOW do you start talking to girls in a club situation? What are good opening lines?
After all, I can tell you that you need to approach women right away, but that does you little good unless you know what to say to them.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
Is there a way for a guy to go to the bars or clubs by himself without falling into this category???
For most guys, meeting girls at clubs is difficult for them.
So they prefer to meet girls at bookstores, malls, coffee shops, and other daytime “low pressure” venues.
But meeting girls at clubs can actually be far EASIER than at daytime venues.
I know that can sound counterintuitive. After all, at a club you have to deal with loud music that can be difficult to talk over, distracting lights, competition from other guys, and girls with their “shields” up.
Worse still, if you go alone you don’t know anyone else while it looks like everyone else is having fun.
Even if you go with your friends they’re no help either because all they do is stand immobilized by hesitation with a beer at their chest – and know next to nothing about picking up girls.
Has the following ever happened to you?
You walk into the club, checking out how “good” it is.
You walk around the entire club to check it out. You don’t know anyone, and you don’t have anything to do, so you walk around again checking out all the girls.
You get bored. Perhaps you get a drink. You walk over to the dance floor and stare at it.
Of course, 50 other guys are also staring at the dance floor.
Like a master bed in the center of a master bedroom, the dance floor commands attention. It is very hypnotic.
You nurse your beer and eventually decide to walk around the club again.
Nothing happens so you decide that the club “sucks” and then you eventually leave to find a better place.
Of course, you do the very same thing at the very next place you visit.
I used to do this ALL the time. It sucked because it never got me anywhere.
The problem is, this kind of behavior is the exact OPPOSITE of what you want to do, because by wandering around you convey certain negative information to girls that shoots down your chances before you even make an approach.
When you circle around a club, women NOTICE that you’re alone. Most won’t label you a “lone psycho” but they’ve make a mental note that you’re alone – and therefore lack any social value.
Women give you social value by how hot the women and men you’re with are.
But most guys walk around the entire club multiple times alone, collecting NEGATIVE social value the entire time.
Think about it. When you FIRST walk into the club, the girls know NOTHING about you. You could be Justin Timberlake’s best friend for all they know.
This is your chance to shape their blank impression of you.
But what do most guys do?
They instantly go about setting a NEGATIVE impression of themselves – by walking around the room and staring at the dance floor. This is what ALL the guys who have no social value do.
So then, if and when you do approach a hot girl, she lacks interest in you because she’s already categorized you – thanks to YOUR actions.
Thus, most guys give up on clubs because they’re “too hard”.
But it’s not that clubs are “too hard”. It’s that you’re doing them all wrong.
Making clubs work for you is easy. In fact, meeting hot girls at clubs is EASIER than at other places. And you can make them work just as well as if you go with friends or if you go alone. You just have to know what to do.
Here are the steps I use with great success.
When you first walk into the club, SMILE. A lot of women watch the door to size up the guys coming in. Remember, as you walk in you’re social status is a BLANK SLATE and you want to be immediately shaping a good first impression.
As soon as you’re in, OPEN the first available set of girls or set of girls and guys. Don’t look for a lone girl, you won’t find her. You’ll want to open a set of two of girls or a guy and a girl which are much easier to find.
There. It immediately looks like you have friends. It doesn’t matter if the set goes particularly well – other women will notice that you’re with other girls.
They will immediately peg you with social value – because they have no idea that you’ve only just met these girls.
So as long as they see you talking with other girls, they will mentally note this and be more open to talking with you themselves. This is not a conscious process, just something that girls do automatically without thinking about it.
So you open your first set of girls RIGHT AWAY. The conversation doesn’t have to go well, all you’re doing is collecting social proof. If the first set begins to stall, just turn to the set of girls next to you and open them. They’ll be much more likely to talk with you because you’re already talking to some girls.
You can even join the sets by saying, “Hey ladies, my friends here were just talking about such-and-such… what’s your opinion on that?”
ALWAYS be talking to a set of girls. Jump from set to set. By the time you’ve worked yourself through 45 minutes of talking to girls, ALL the girls in the immediate vicinity will know that you have social value. They will read you as being social, attractive, and hot.
If you build up enough social value this way, you can just walk up to the hottest girl in the club and say, “Give me your number,” and she will give it to you.
Here are three guidelines you’ll want to follow:
First, avoid looking at the dance floor like the plague. The dance floor is naturally hypnotic and will naturally draw you in. DO NOT LOOK AT IT. There is nothing there. It is an illusion. Looking at the dance floor only generates NEGATIVE social proof for you.
Second, avoid walking around. You only look a like a valueless loner when you do this. Also, if you’ve built up any positive social proof in one corner of the club, you’ll lose it all if you move to another corner.
Third, avoid the noisiest areas of the club. Find the quietest area where it’s easiest to talk and plant yourself there. You don’t want to be yelling over ear-breaking noise and most clubs do have a quiet corner or two.
Also, it’s quite alright to go to clubs alone. Why? BECAUSE YOU WON’T BE ALONE FOR LONG. Within 5 to 10 minutes of being in the club you should be talking to someone.
Look at the whole club scene as one of collecting social proof points. In this particular moment, are you talking to a set of girls and collecting points? Or are you staring at the dance floor alone, losing points?
Remember, you walk in with zero social proof points, with a clean slate. Everything you do will either up your status or lower it. Everything you do signals women to categorize you as a “loner” or as a “sexy guy”.
“How am I improving my social proof?” should be the question always on your mind at the club. If you keep that in mind, you’ll go far.
Now the question is, HOW do you start talking to girls in a club situation? What are good opening lines?
After all, I can tell you that you need to approach women right away, but that does you little good unless you know what to say to them.
This message is provided by http://t8tube.spaces.live.com
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