

Sometimes it takes ultimate concentration to change your reality. Sometimes that reshaping will allow things to come to you (seemingly or otherwise). And sometimes you just have to trust enough to try something, and judge the results as they flow in. This is one of those times.

What kind of woman do you want?

So now you should know what kind or relationships you want. Regardless of what will make you happiest, there's still one other thing you need to figure out.

What kind of woman do you want?

Now, I'm not talking about blonde or brunette. Face it, that's not important.

Ok, I apologize if this is important to you. And I'll buy you some wigs.

Seriously, what's really important? If looks, what is it you like? Legs? Breasts? Thin or BBW? Tall? Petite? Don't be shy here - what floats your boat?

Of course, once you've gotten a good amount of success, the looks decrease in importance (because they'll all look good). What kind of PERSONALITY are you looking for?

I hope I'm not challenging you too much. But after you've had enough ladies, you'll want more than simple hots. You'll want someone interesting (unless you've decided to simply pursue sex - in which case focus on the physical).

So now, take a look at what type of lady you enjoy. Is a shy conservative girl the type that gives you a warm feeling? The wild bad girl? Unpredictable and sharp?

This is more than a few pigeon holes. This is important.

Why? Because you have to know what you want if you're going to find it.

So, take a few minutes. Hell, take a week. Figure out what REALLY floats your boat.

Joining your Dream Woman to yourself

And once you've done that, I've got an exercise for you. Very new-age (well, Buddhist really), but very effective.

Want to hear how it goes? Alright.

1. Bring the qualities you look for in a woman to the front of your mind.

2. Focus on the feelings that archetype brings out in you. Close your eyes and imagine her right in front of you, emanating energy.

3. Now, focus on connecting yourself to this woman and her energy.

4. Connect: Imagine a cord of green sex energy connecting your chest and her breasts.

5. Connect: Imagine a cord of yellow sex energy connecting from your eyes to hers.

6. Connect: Imagine a cord of red sex energy connecting from your groin to hers.

7. Connect: Imagine a cord of orange sex energy connecting the top of your stomach (the nervous center) to hers.

8. Connect: Imagine a cord of blue sex energy connecting your throat to her tongue.

9. Connect: Imagine a cord of gold sex energy connecting your forehead to her lips.

10. Focus on all six connections. Feel the sense of well-being this engenders.

11. Double the intensity of your feeling, taking note of what happens when you do so.

12. This is the trickiest part: you want to switch places with her. Step into her body and feel what she feels, see what she sees, and allow her to do the same with you.

13. Listen to her thoughts. Make notes of the best qualities she sees in YOU.

14. Return to your body, traveling through the six connections you have established and maintaining them.

15. Send her a feeling of anticipation... so she eagerly awaits the day you will meet her.

16. Count to yourself from 1 to 5 saying "Now I will count from 1 to 5. And when I do, I will awaken, feeling much better than I ever have before. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Slowly open your eyes.

What in the hell was that?

What just happened? Visualization.

Alright, this relates to the baseball player imagining his homers. You need to SEE a goal to get to it. The more concrete the goal, the better your chances.

You alert yourself - on both conscious and subconscious levels - to recognize the lady you want (and you'd be surprised how many guys miss her because they're too busy worrying about something else during the crucial moment).

What's more, you relax yourself within the future situation - after all, you've already established a connection. The hard part is done. All that's left now is letting the lady see it.

Finally, you make chance encounters with the right type of woman MORE likely just be exercising the encounter.

Where from? Who cares!

Argue about cause all you want. Some will say you've established a subterranean connection to the woman of your dreams, so you are automatically drawn to her and situations will lend themselves to that spiritual need (like a suction cup). Others will claim all you've done is further educated your unconscious so it better guides you to moments your conscious mind might never have recognized and pursued.

Me, I don't much care how you decide to explain it. All I care about is IT WORKS.

Now this is a hard exercise - creating one solid connection with an imaginary (or otherworldly) vision is difficult. Creating six and holding them while exchanging vantage points a few times is exponentially moreso.

That's fine. This is something you'll have to practice every day, and with most people it's a few months before they have a solid successful exercise.

Nonetheless, once that exercise comes and is repeated daily, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can choose to believe it spiritual or psychological or meaningless or any other thing that makes it comfortable. The code you ascribe to it is not important.

All that matters is you believe it works, and it will. That's it. Simple concept, difficult practice.

Keep at it.

Don't waste your time with questions - try it, get it working, and the answers that make sense for you will emerge. That's all you have to worry about.

Yes, this is yogic mastery over your reality (I told you we'd get more advanced). Yes, the world around you will change in unexpected ways as you proceed down this path.

And yes already, it will help you find the right women for you. Isn't that what this is all about?

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