

You can control people. Not in an evil hurtful way - they'd fight back then - but you can create an atmosphere where the things YOU want naturally come to you. How? It's simple - you need to change your inner reality, and then just enjoy the changes that creates in your outer one.

Superman I wasn't

You know the game where you pick your favorite super power? The one you'd really REALLY want to have if you could only have one?

Most people chose to be invisible or to fly... but not me. I always went for the the Jedi Mind Trick.

Think about it: what could ever get in your way if you could control the thoughts of others? "I have the highest score in the class..." "You want to let me backstage" or, my favorite, "I am the most attractive man you have ever met."

Well, guess what? Man, you are going to LOVE this...

I discovered that the Jedi Mind Trick is REAL. Not that you can wave your hand in front of someone, say something, and they'll just repeat it. In FACT, the trick has nothing to do with WORDS at all.

But ACTIONS, THAT'S, uh, where the action is.

No, really

I want you to think about this a little bit before you scoff, because odds are you've seen it happen in front of you - or perhaps you've even done it yourself.

For instance... I had a friend who went through a klepto phase. He's not proud of it now, but at the time he was... because he was good at it. Very good.

He didn't sneak around so much - instead, my friend found it was just as easy - maybe easier - to walk straight out the front door with said stolen object in hand, AS IF it was perfectly natural and there was nothing wrong with what he was doing.

And most of the time, it worked. He could be right in front of an owner who ran the only register in a store having a conversation and walk out the door holding merchandise with the tag still attached, and the owner wouldn't do a thing.

Now it didn't ALWAYS work - my friend ended his klepto phase through a combination of moral guilt and almost getting beaten with a baseball bat by a saavy seller - but the lesson is important.

If you ACT like something is true, it BECOMES true.

Fame without Paparazzi

Another way to think about this concept is to picture yourself as the star of your own movie - and others will end up conforming to the rules of YOUR movie when they're around you.

The most famous practitioners of this concept were Ken Kesey and his band of Pranksters, riding the bus Furthur in the non-fiction book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. If you've never read it, the story is useful if only because you can SEE it work.

It sounds ridiculous - that you could bend others to your will - but these guys REPEATEDLY pulled it off. One time some cops were sent to arrest them, but the Pranksters acted so sure of themselves and so confident in what they were doing that the cops, well, they couldn't do a thing.

Sure, they COULD have arrested everyone like they were supposed to... but the very IDEA went so against the MOVIE that'd been created, that the cops had walked into, they couldn't do it.

Now THAT'S what I call mind control.

From Stories to 1st Hand experience

I HAVE gotten backstage through nothing but the confidence that I belong there, a quick wit and keeping my cool. You don't have to lie or make up stories - you just KNOW you BELONG. It's that simple (in theory - practice is anything but).

AND, more importantly, I've convinced women that I'm the most attractive man they've ever met - by BELIEVING it myself.

No, simply believing isn't enough. You have to KNOW it. The act of knowing it literally CREATES the truth of it. Crazy, but it works.KNOW it... or be like the rest

Now, this is where most guys get tripped up.

How often have you gone up to a girl and had mad butterflies, exuded nothing but nervous energy, or just generally had less than full confidence in yourself?

It's ok bro, we ALL have gone up to girls like that. In fact, MOST men can't approach a woman any other way - which is THE number one reason they have limited to no success.

Instead of creating a magnetic attraction, you're sending out REPELLING vibes - the sort which say 'Don't let the cologne fool you, I have no confidence in what I'm doing, now or any other time, which means I'm a failure, at this and everything else.'

That statement doesn't have to be true. It just happens to be what you're saying to all these women.

And when you try and cover it up with fake bravado or what have you, that's even WORSE. She'll see right through it, and you'll be saying 'In addition to the above, I'm also a dishonest liar who you definitely can't trust. If you mighta liked me in a lost puppy dog way, forget about that now. I'll do anything to get in your pants, and you have no idea where my line is. Yep, I'm a DANGEROUS loser, in what is most likely just a pathetic way - but still, watch your back.'

That is not exactly the message you want to be sending out there.

That's why, in order for you to TRULY have success with women, you first have to KNOW that you can. You have to believe in yourself, and start yourself with a solid seed of confidence that you'll build up with more experiences and successes.

In short, before anything else, you need to work on your inner game.

An Inner Game accelerator

Lucky for you, I've just come out with a new product, The Masculinity Enhancement Program, which is ALL about creating an inner game plan and refining your style with it.

Because after all, the REASON women go for confidence is because it's a VERY masculine trait, and just as we are attracted to the feminine, so they are attracted to the masculine. By increasing your sense of self worth and your cool, not only will you improve at EVERYTHING you do, but you'll be more MASCULINE doing it.

The only way to get that alpha dog feel is from the inside out. There are no tricks which'll get it for you, no actions that will fool onlookers - this needs to be a REAL transformation.

The thing is, ALL men have the capacity to act like the mythical Real Man - but most of us have let it wither, trying to please people or toe party lines.

The great irony is that meeker gentler person does NOT please the ladies - not in any sexual way, anyway - so if you want to have any success, you NEED to let that alpha dog howl.

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