

One of the biggest problems I've had about approaching is NOT being able to follow up my approach, should I get a good or bad response. Let me give you two examples that happened recently:

1. I was in a bar and approached a group of girls all sitting down having a great time. I said "Hello" to the girl nearest "do you mind if I join you ladies?" with a smile and looked also at the other girls. The girl I spoke to looked at me then, went silent and looked at the girl in front of her with a bashful smile while all the other girls looked at me. One of her friends said "She wasn't in a talkative mood." - now I get the impression that these girls were not 'expecting' to be approached but also I think I didn't 'follow up" properly from the opener to stop that SILENT MOMENT. Now this awkward silent moment puts me out of state so the words don't come out.

2. I saw a girl walking in the street and, noticing her boots (which were brown), I mentioned "Excuse me, I was looking to buy a present similar to your boots... do you know any shops around here that may sell them?" She mentioned that they weren't bought locally, but also recommended a few shops. I asked her if she visits these shops often... BUT then the conversation seemed to go pretty mundane and platonic.

Just to let you know, I'm actively applying what I'm learning in Seduction Science, your feedback and some ideas of my own into a personal plan bit by bit.

Ok, the problem in your first scenario was NOT your follow up - it was your LEAD IN.

Your opener in this case is not good - in fact, it says a lot of the wrong things.

First, you're asking permission. In other words, you're handing power over to the women, allowing THEM to create your reality for you. NO NO NO! NEVER do that - if you're going to join, then join with an interesting hook that gets them curious about you. Don't ask permission - that's like those people who can never ask a question without starting "Can I ask you a question?"

You just did buddy. Annoying.

Likewise, once you address the group, you've joined. Your job is to be playful and interesting enough that they don't want to throw you out, but instead they want to keep you in the group.

Another thing: judging by your story, it sounds like you interrupted them in the middle of a vibe. While that is occasionally unavoidable, in general EVERY group has silences, dead time, transitional moments... THESE are the times when it's best to strike.

Enter a vibing group and jar them from their roll, you've done something detrimental and you're going to have to work a lot harder to get accepted.

Enter a resting or bored group and inject some interest, you've done something beneficial and you'll have a LOT more leeway to work with.

Now the second story, you start off strong - with bonus points because you picked out an article that she probably holds in high value (not bought locally = more rare and special).

The problem is you went too long, and you got too mundane. Women are NOT going to be turned on by small talk, and they're NOT going to want to stand in the middle of the street having a conversation with a stranger too long.

So instead, after you've got her talking to you, solicit an opinion. In your case, you could ask her what ELSE would make a good present - since by her boots obviously she has tastes in line.

If you're in the right area, you could actually ask her to take you to some of the shops she mentions - women love to shop with a guy that wants to be there.

Alternatively, you could say "You know, I find you really interesting, but standing in the middle of the street like this is a bit awkward. Let's go get some coffee."

If she's free, she'll probably agree. If not, you can get her information and a rain check. Either way you're continuing up the chain and turning the dial a bit more, step by step getting closer to your goal.

As opposed to regressing into small talk, and depressing your chances. In fact, small talk is SO bad that, no matter how long you've talked and no matter what you're doing next, if you can't think of anything to say but small talk then instead say "Listen, I have to go, but I've enjoyed chatting. Why don't you give me your email (or phone number) and we'll get coffee sometime." Then get out.

Small talk will KILL you. Whereas appearing busy and confident will help. You know what to do next time my man.

Derek, when I'm at work and a cute girl walks in or comes in through the drive thru (I work at a McDonald's by the way) what's the best way to pick up on them without looking like I'm hitting on them. Constantly I see these gorgeous women come in or drive through and I'm last as to how I could attract them without looking desperate or like an idiot. Thanks.

Ok, you've got three main problems to deal with.

1. Women don't tend to think about the guy at McDonald's as lover-man material. While jobs don't matter nearly as much as we guys think they do, it DOES matter a good bit when you're trying to pick someone up AT WORK. That's because, instead of your job being a part of you, it is your known identity. And McDonald's cashier is not the sort of glamour position you want in that case.

2. Management isn't going to like it. This sort of thing gets people fired all the time, especially at high turnover jobs.

3. The pace at McDonald's is FAST, and any extra conversation is going to slow that down. A lot of people are there specifically because they don't have much time; slowing them down with talk might just be annoying to them, and again, get you in trouble with management.

So what're you to do?

Personally, I'd just write these women off, or at most use them as practice with your techniques, but not as actual targets. Especially if you value your job.

However, if you insist on going for it, start with a simple super-friendly warm greeting. If you get anything but equal warmth back, write that girl off - she's in a hurry or pissed or for whatever reason not available now.

If you get a good response, continue with noticing something about her. Make this go FAST - notice something, talk to her about it, and get the info in about 15 seconds. If it takes more than that, sorry buddy, your job is going to get in the way.

So, for example "You have such a great energy. Do you do yoga or something?"

Her: "No, but I work out."

You: "Maybe that's it. You know, I really enjoy your energy. Let's get together after I've washed the stink of fry out of my hair. Give me your number."

While she's writing it down on a napkin (keep a stack and some pens nearby) you can even help the next customer. If she's digging you at this point, you can work in a few more techniques while serving others - basically, giving her the intelligent part of your brain while your body performs rote skills. This is good for a minute or two - it gives her a chance to see you as something other than a McDonald's worker - but don't go on too long. Excuse yourself, get back to work, and if she's eating in the restaurant, DON'T constantly glance her way. Once to say goodbye is plenty.

If you're reading this right now and you are wondering how you can take your seduction skills with women to the next level RIGHT NOW, then I'd recommend that you start out with my Seduction Science System. In just a few days of reading, you can learn to apply the basics that have taken me literally YEARS to figure out and put together in one place.

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