

The fact is, only by MODELING the very best can you achieve the very best. In a Seduction Science workshop, you'll meet and train with master coach Mr. Dull who will take you to unique hot spots all over a particular city for meeting the most attractive, beautiful women. Your coach will demonstrate their skills and explain, teach, and show you how to interact with women at a club and on the street.

With a coach, you'll find an immediate shift in your skills and understanding with women as you see what it takes demoed live and right in front of you. And there's no reason to take the long and hard path or reinvent the wheel. After making hundreds of approaches, we've learned what works and what doesn't. We'll show you exactly how it's done and save you months, if not years of time.

You'll never have to go back to feeling lonely or lost and live passionately once again. Reserve your place as soon as possible (placing is limited!) so that you're guaranteed a spot.

I'll be honest, when I left and entered the bus station, and sat down I began to wonder if real change has happened. I began thinking will I actually act different. .... I'm too tired right now to tell you what happened, but I picked up an Asian 9 at the bus station, gamed her all the way on the bus ride to Ottawa (4 hours of interaction), got a kiss close, her number, and a have a massively solid time bridge for Wednesday ("hey, you're seeing me on Wednesday" "Wednesday, yes. I'm sorry I'm only wearing my scrubs on the bus. I promise you when you see me on Wednesday I'll be really cute" she actually said that man! She apologized for not dressing better on the bus) I did everything right. All I did was demonstrate value for a while. Everything I did that was perfect, I realized that I wasn't planning it, it just came out. By the end of it she was telling what she likes in bed, that she loved to give men pleasure much more then receive it, she really loved to dress up for men and loved crazy sex, .... this amazingly beautiful girl was all over me. And the best part, me not trying anything sexual on the bus led to her opening up to me, and this girl is also RICH, and really smart. I've never met this quality of girl before. It was awesome. All I can say is that I have fundamentally changed. You have fundamentally changed me, I am now a fucking pimp. .... And you know what was the one thing that she noticed about me that led to me being able to open her so easily .... the white pimping hat!

I am a successful IT consultant, having moved from a small town in Ontario, Canada to New York City. I am good looking and earn more than 95% of the general population, but I would miss the target with women that gave me signals of interest that I really should have closed. What was the problem? Mr. Dull determined that it was my body language and attitude I was projecting and cleaned up my body language. I was also very anxious and shy when the idea of approaching a woman would cross my mind, but Mr. Dull forced me to open sets after set, jumping in to keep the momentum going when I needed it. Mr. Dull also determined that I was skipping steps in the seduction process, trying to skip to the rapport phase without carrying out the necessary steps in the earlier phases of the seduction process. Mr. Dull demonstrated that his principles really work in the field and having practiced the first steps I believe I can make this work. At the end of the night I was approaching set after set and the women were responding positively. For me Mr. Dull was really focused on ensuring that I got the most out of the workshop at every level.

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